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Love under Fire


Word Count: 1910    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ady attracted the attention of those within, and a half-dozen officers st

appear, striding forward. "Well, by all the gods, a Yank,

ng me, "an' was just comin' in through ther door yer, when I run in

oth-faced lad, tur

have you g

, "you are perfectly welcome

what more civil answer you'll make to th

on. I was marched in through the open door, and stood up in the centre of the dining-room, Sims posted on one side of me, the guard on the other, th

? A Federal officer in full

ble to formulate an excuse, and

ll, General. He is unarmed

ern dark eyes we

ietly. "What is the explanation, si

t uncertain word came to my lips, the g

tain Le Gaire's, and was presented to me as Major Atherton, formerly on

of the group, and a stockily built infantry

cognized the face. How are you, A

vidently relieved, Beaure

ned. "And how did you reach t

f understanding, a little nervous la

t uniform. On meeting Captain Le Gaire here, and learning of your advance, it was no longer necessary for him to proceed at once, and, as he was very tired, he was pers

llenged me,

ly clear s

opriate garments, Major, but meanwhile there is room here at the table. Captain Be

to a grievous misunderstanding. Why had she done this? Through personal interest in me? Through some wild impulse of the moment? I could not even guess; only, I was assured of one thing: her secret motive involved no lack of loyalty to the cause of the South. Realizing this I dare not presume on her continued friendliness, dare not sit there and lie calmly, filling these men with false information, and permitting imagination to run rampant. Her eyes condemned that, and I felt the slightest indiscretion on my part would result in betrayal. Perhaps even then she regretted her hasty action, and sought some excuse for blurting out the truth. Fortunately conversation drifted into safe channels. Bell was full of reminiscences of Big Shanty, requiring on my part but brief a

her orders to despatch presently. When you finish, Major, I shall be glad to t

raggler, she came slowly across the room, and sat down in

, impelled by a curiosity whic

e swift glimpse into the depths of her eyes. "A mere im

for me?--beca

done the same for an

ling to believe mere sympathy would carry you so far. Was

re I thought; before I even realized what my

cape from the web about me, but I could not understand this girl, or comprehend how far I dare venture on her good nature. Already I knew that some feeling--either of friendship or sympathy--had impelled her to save me f

" she commented quietly. "I never knew the chimney

t is in getting away as soon as poss

possess very important information. Because I have aid


tress to t

not thi

if the truth ever becomes known I shall be placed in a most embarrassing position. Surely you understand this, and you are a gentleman; I am sure of that. You are not going to carry that news to your camp. Before I should perm

You mean m

pledge to remain in this h


alesworth, do you n

owed to this girl? And then again--did I really have a choice? There was never a doubt in my mind as to what she would do if the occasion arose. I had tested her quality already, and fully comprehended t

choice," I answered, at last

idently reliev

ou no preference

on ends; I accept t



le, and I as instantly grasped it, b

u," I began, but she

azed; I have lost all understanding of myself. It is painful enough to realize that I yield to th

her feet. I thought her whole form was tr

d no intention

came--came into my life, for ever since it has been trouble. Now yo

t not to

ed back

oldly. "It will be

ld not play the part, her eyes veili

warmly. "I find it not altogether

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