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Love under Fire


Word Count: 1998    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

in a state of constant bewilderment--one moment frank, outspoken, friendly; the next hiding her real self behind a barrier of cold reserve which I seemed helpless to penetrate. Yet this very chang


this conceit, or

Why is it not possibl

ould border upon a miracle, for I do not even know myself. Besides I doubt

thrusting my head beyond the carriage cover, so as to see better. To the west the woods concealed everything. It was somewhere in that direction Beauregard's troops were encamped, yet, even if they were already advancing to unite with Johnston, they would hardly cross the country so far to the north. Knowing the situation as I did I felt little fear of any encounter with Confederates. Our cavalry were patrolling all the roads across the river, and, as late as the previous day,

Jonesboro," I said, "I'v

r eyes on the dist

side of the river. Beauregard is out yonder in t

f the carriage cover to keep her balance,

e," she said quietly, a little accent of ple

clined to prevent your taking quinine to the poor fellows in the hospital. War hasn't made me as inhuman as that. We can easily reach the to

hed, flashing a look aside at me as she shook the reins and applied the whip. "I wonder what he will think when he sees me driving up alongsid

wn the hill, her forehead puckered, her

etimes tell


y ever j

strict moralist I presume not; but it is my judgment

looked at me, apparently weighing my words as

prevaricating to be done, turn it o

pose you a Confederate spy. No, not a word of protest will I listen to. If you go along with me, it mu

approach of that distant squad of cavalry. "The masquerade will be s

stinctly Southern architecture, the broad stone steps surmounted by rounded pillars. On the porch a man sat smoking. He arose instantly, hat in hand, and came down to meet us. His was a tall, slender

llifred," cordially bowing over her extended hand

spitality, Judge, but the armi

driven off my negroes, and also robbed me of every

s wounded at Chattanooga, but soon recovere

e news of your family. He was through Jonesboro with a scouting pa

, as she withdrew her h

t require any deep interest to induce Captain Le

and has travelled widely. But come, my dear, let me help you down. I am such an early bird

rst time, and he stepped back,

ave you her

ing a direct reply. "But all things are not as they seem, outwardly. Surely, Judge, you do not su

nough, yet with a question

of Miss Willifred's is a friend of min

ission makes it nec

you wear the first Yankee uniform ever welcomed to my house. Come right

ppeared, leaving us alone. It was a beautiful morning, the birds singing outside, the sunlight sifting through the branches of the great oaks shading the windows. Not a sound, other than the rustl

ne," I began, "romantic enough

shifted t

merely find it ext

indifference of her voice. "I had supposed you wished

realize that it would involve deceit to an old friend. Perhaps I am too easily hurt,

part as

gh considering the ful

d 'friend' should mean much, and we are mere

ar--might have been swept aside. It has no personal we

t cross-purposes. You are a Federal scout whom I have unwittingly helped through the Confederate lines. Surely I have done enough already to help

--when the

here is little likelihood we shall ever meet aft

wondering what it was I saw in the depths of her eyes wh

ve me no

riends. We are but the acquaintances of a chance meeting." She held out her hand across the table, the imp

tended toward me, my heart throbbing,

d perfectly, but

e! What do

tance, nor is it destined to end here. Sometime I am

hadow of lashes on her cheeks. "Y

altogether sorry

rds seriously at all. They

gh the open window. It was the sound of horses' hoofs on the gravel roadway, and I sprang up also, endeav

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