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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 891    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


mine, I was picked up by my hands and pulled back inside in the office. I didn't like that of course, I started to scream and kick, the stupid treatment was affec

while I just cried out, their fight made me feel afraid, I wanted to get away from all the noise, I'm not

s me to leave, he has to let me go, he's still holding me,

ys rubbing my back, Emma left the roo

oser to him, my face was now resting over his chest, my

fort me like this, she can only give me quick hugs, hold my hand when sad, but not cuddle with me. I looked at my cuddle buddy, he had green eyes, brownish hair, similar to mine, he also had some fuzz on his chin, a l

, I just sighed closing my eyes, the joy and fun are ov

o get up, he had to let me go

making me look down, he means about me

w, that's a big no-no," he s

I wasn't playing at the window, I was tr

firmer voice, he sounded like Emma and Rila whe

't want to tell him I

about this" he warns me, I just shr

illed with dominance this time, I was in deep trouble, but he

me," I say, he's not the boss of me, I don't even kn

er watch that attitude of yours" he warns me, I do

oing back to class," I say getting off his lap th

going to take you over my knee" he threatens, ho

ug, the guy in space never cared about me, but he never allowed Rila

he asks, well that hit low, I knew nothing

know, and he'll never allow anyone to take m

little thing, aren't you," he sa

d so," I say with a big s

t windows Violet," he says, I looked at hi

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