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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 806    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


hey kept sneaking out until only one nanny was left in the dining room with us, I think I forgot to mention, there aren't many of us, maybe sixty in total, even less. We are here from the day we are born until the day we are collected at the age of eighteen, never to come back again to earth, I got two more years before no one comes to collect me.

it's not my first trial, they all were failing attempts, but not this time, I never had such a strong distraction before. The facility was made of a five-story building, the first floor is all filled with humans and administra

the windows, the one that doesn't have bars on them, they are a safe bet, all the first and second-floor win

well, I made sure to look around to make sure she's not in it right now, good for me, the commotion had her busy too. I walked inside the office and went to

's my best choice. I heard our principal, Miss Emma walk-in, she sounded worried and panicked at the same time, she wa

for her! He wants to see her!" Em

ll the president yet do we?" Rila asks makin

tever he wants, it's their jurisdiction," Emma says, what are t

e to go get he

lose, I guess that Rila has left. I stayed hidden waiting for Emma to leave too, she was talking on the phone, c

the other still inside, I was still worried about the whole jumping out of the window. The door got open the same moment I ha

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