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Yours Forever

Chapter 7 Punished

Word Count: 1072    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

hey followed the stairs till they got to the entrance of the basement and Clara stopped. She opened the door and sighed before turning to Skylar. "I was told to lock you in here." "What? By who?"

t? Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? She is going to die." "And I will get her body disposed off." "Lexi." Bryan called and he ignored him. "What is wrong with you? That girl is so young, she looks like a teenager." "So?" "So get her out of there." "She is my slave, I bought her with my money so I will do whatever damn thing I want with her and to her, if you don't feel comfortable about it then get the fuck out of my house." He replied and Bryan sighed. "Sometimes, you can be so annoying." Bryan said angrily and stood up before walking out of the study, he walked out of the house angrily and entered his car. Lexi puffed out smoke as he drifted his thoughts away from her. ******* Skylar suddenly woke up and was about to groan in pain due to the hard floor she laid on but she discovered she was on something comfortable. She slowly opened her eyes fully and looked around to see she is in her room. She became confused and thought about how she got there and her clothes were changed. Her throat felt dry and she sighed in relief seeing a tray on her table, she stood up and rushed to it. She gulped down the water and sighed in relief, she ate her food hungrily and moaned. "Oh my God." She moaned and drank more water. She was finally satisfied and she sighed in relief again, the door to her room opened and Clara bowed on seeing her. "Good evening ma'am." Clara said and she nodded. "Are you okay ma'am?" Clara asked and she nodded. "Ma'am, am sorry for locking you up but it was the ordered I was given and I didn't want to lose my job." "It's fine." Clara said and she nodded with a smile. Clara slowly walked to her and carried the tray, she smiled at her and head towards the doo

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