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Yours Forever

Chapter 2 Pain

Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

opulation of people, getting a job isn't easy and besides, no one will be ready to offer her a job. She looks so old and dirty, she sighed in tears as she wondered what she was going to give Skylar f

lked to her room. She sat in the small living room for a while waiting for it to be finally evening. "Let's go to my room, Buster." Skylar said after a while and he followed her immediately as she headed into the room. They got to the room and she glanced at the time, it was almost 7 p.m and she smiled. She turned a distance away from the window and watched the sunset, she smiled happily and turned back to the clock. She confirmed it was 7 p.m already and she giggled. "Come on Buster." She called happily and opened her window, she jumped out with her dog and giggled. Buster ran ahead of her and headed into the woods but she ran after it and stopped it. "No Buster, we are not going into the woods today, we are going to look for food." She said and he barked in response. She smiled and turned towards the street, she started walking and kept looking around. Buster suddenly barked and she turned to him. "I know right? This is all different, I haven't been here before." She exclaimed looking at the buildings. She saw people all around as they moved and she tried to avoid contact with them "Buster, do you also think all these people are scared of light?" She asked him and he barked. "Yeah, I thought so too." She replied and smiled. "You are talking to a dog." A voice suddenly said and Skylar turned back to see a little boy, he should be eight years old and he was standing with a woman which will be his mother. "Yes, his name is Buster." She said with a smile and bent to his level. "Does he understand what you are saying?" The little boy asked and she nodded. "Yes, he is my best friend." She said and Buster barked. "Mummy, I want to have a Buster." The little boy said and his mother smil

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