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Wolf out

Chapter 5 : The beginning, Lies, Truth and History

Word Count: 1370    |    Released on: 15/01/2023


e had seen. The studio was filled with few models and people who worked with the photographers. There we

was only covered in thick fur. The model rushed to him for a hug and that's when

ee you mon Ami",she sa

es,the man whom she came to know his name wa

oot today",Gregg said politely. Denise was surprised to see th

erself, what was wrong with these people looking her over. First it was Gregg,now the supe

again. Denise was embarrassed and apologized at her lack of concentratio

drobe for you to try on. If I were you,I'll put on my brightest smile and made go

ng,in front of all these people. She had once modelled for Ralph's sister but it wasn't in a public sp

s, putting on their clothes. Her guess was that they were also there for the p

I have something sexy for you to put on that b

Lisa returned with the hottest strappy lingerie that only covered her nipples and her private part and a pair of chunky high heels. Denise was asked t

n to her body. Soon she was well kitted and after a final look at the mirror, Denise steppe

hair tied in a bun showed her where t

k into the camera when you do that",the tall

without letting me see your b

tties and croos your legs. Wi

should turn and look at the camera. Amazing..grab your buttocks wi

udio. She was exhausted from the day's job. While she waited at another room that had 'Reception hall', boldly

coffee, peanuts, hamburger,some bread rolls and butter with a box of pineapple juice. The lady h

en when she was done. Raising her eyebrows, she

she left, Denise helped herself to some buttered bread rolls and hamburger with coffee, before the

Today was her birthday and she didn't receive a call from Mark yet. Ella had c

ned the door and walked to where she sat. The woman

tives here in Diamond Hill Fashion. I'm pleased to inform you that you have been carefully

llowance, house allowance and your modelling expenses will be on us. Yo

r and she couldn't wait to celebrate with Mark and Ella. She was handed a white letter by Gloriah

be working with. Gloriah told her that Diamond Hill Fashion was hosting a fashion show in

est model in Diamond Hill Fashion. After an hour orientation, she was given a membership

re going to be displayed on billboards and the television. She was officially a cel

'd it go",she as

..", Denise kept sa

e phone off her ear for a bit. The girls decided to have a blast at the clu

door. She wanted to use the key to her door and was stunned when she realized it was open. She thought someone had broke

my love",he sa

a long embrace. She told him,she was emp

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