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Wolf out

Chapter 3 : The beginning, Lies, Truth and History

Word Count: 1274    |    Released on: 15/01/2023


t have to wait till Denise was off her shift, before they were finally called upon to entertain. O

hen her phone rang. She smiled at the

.was..um in the middle of something. My boss..he assigned me to a tedio

to tell me about it?"Denis

factory talk. So do tell, what has Denise been up t

rvous and even stutter if there was some

e good baby?",s

s your day? I heard you..

baby?"Denise ask


l if you shared it with me. You know I love you and I'll go ext

work stress. So what's going

ou that I got a mail from Diamond Hill Fashion. I have a photo-shoot s

verything that you've dreamed of babe.

aid you aren't coming to town this week,I was hoping I'll come r

ant to leave you all by yourself at my place. I promi

her. She knew all wasn't well and hoped he felt better,cause the job was obviously draining him. After the call,she gr


a. I'm gonna make it right",Ella

almost spilled it. It's no

ppy you took the leave,so we could spend premium time together thi

doesn't feel right anymore. I feel horrible trea

ly and let her know. We love each other and that's what matters. W

tell Denise what exactly? That her boyfriend and bestfriend are

e that you love me more than you love her,so.. what's there to prove. If you aren't b

re doing to Denise. I promise,soon we'll be able to come out and affirm o

ore. I came here to spend time with my angel,so come here and

bs her buttocks and slaps it hard to causing it to jiggle. Soon,the two battle for supremacy as

s with his warm mouth. Groaning with pleasure,she pushes her waist to rub again

's wet pussy and soon the room is filled with moans of pleasure from Mark and Ella. Min

es her head on Mark's chest

and Mark had come to town to visit Denise. Mark was pressured by Denise to join her to the party. H

he club and everyone was busy doing their thing. Ella's birthday was on a Friday,so it w

a tall dude around the corner. Ella excused herself from the guy and the two girls giggled and hugge

as her bestfriend,so she didn't think there was anything to worry about. Soon,El

d when she started her best teasing dance. Ella wrapped her beautiful legs on the pole and laughed

amidst cheers from the everyone. Ella teasingly went down on the her knees, spread her legs and turned on the floor. Th

ng the young man, breathless. She walked to her friend, Denise who had been cheeri

e but to have some crazy time with Ella. That's h

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