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My heartbeat is a Gumiho

Chapter 5 Freed

Word Count: 1725    |    Released on: 26/12/2022


in the museum and m

want to know what's inside, what does it contain that's making it attractive?, Grandpa won't tell me

from behind me and I l

opening the cups aga

d I'll be obedient" I replied though I know


usual" I

museum owners, will you wait

pa" I repli

ought about

n them, I can't

oncentrate, something is definitely drawing me to the cup and I dunno why, t

th time, is there something about them? " Rac

?, The ones in your grandpa's m

e, it is, so anything abo

to go somewhere" I sa

ickly hel

?" She

a tomorrow, Nicole.

and left for Eurwangni beach where I thought about a

ot one and


?" I asked Rachel I

bvious? "

ou know we're best friends we can't be cau

ell him about it soon, I don't care if we're best friend

hey rushed to the hallway, I rushed there t

dy with his violin, ready to play as

d my heart like it'll fall, his perf

for their last period classes an

ame classes and I'm your coursem

friends to Dylan" he said, taking my


rse" he

et you" I s

plied bluntly and

riends?" I s

and I gulped down, an

is loneliness" h

so cold???

ad I got to

* P

" I said sincerely as I

you're beautif


more beautiful

ed her

get out of he

* Ju

but don't you dare try anything stupid cos I w

ise I won't do anyt

hat" he said and ma

me free though I feel uneasy, l

* Dy

ignment in there earlier and I have to get it done so I can s

assignment?, You won't get curious ab

d though I feel bad

return before 8:30, don't branch anywhere besid

plied to avo


the museu

to where the cups

ps with great determinati

lew only on that spot a

me out of the second cup, dressed in ancient Korean


y vanished and I c

thought as a man came

minute, he

s not enough, another girl came out

o much.... I rem


Picxy as we appeared in

got out of the c

to vanish to this

t us as we wond

're wearing robes but they're we


itional clothing at night?" A

re we?"

you both are in No

?, We now have s

n?, Why ask silly questions?, Are you girls

ut, can you ple

help you?

ere here, we need a

ithout nothing i


w me" she said


shing but I don't think it'll be easy to get him cos the enquiries I made

is that I lost the stupid

recapture them, and I have to resume

e across Arthur t

fifty go

* J

of me fainted a

cups can only be opened by an extraordinary pers

.. and I saw another cup, wait, does it mean he

re my s

the cups and it locked itself voluntarily, I placed it them bac

over to him...I dotted h

ou inside the cup?" He a

ne, I've been in the cup for

d started running but I ran after him all the way out of the

e, it has to be a gumiho, is he a gumiho?, No,

I ran after

d and closed the door, I broke the g

ocked look

y one I know in this world right now, you saved me from

a gumiho?" He

eal appearance?" I asked

y eyes and

screamed in horror

ally a gum

lied and turned ba

in, my grandpa will be very offe

lp me" I i

o" he snapped a

to follow him

I shouted after hi

I don't need this now...I took to my


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