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My heartbeat is a Gumiho

My heartbeat is a Gumiho



"Dylan I want you now, please" she moaned as he drove her wild with pleasure.

Chapter 1 Synopsis

Gumiho are powerful creatures that could transform to their real self whenever they're angry or sad. They're mostly very scary when angry cause of the presence of claws, fangs, pure white hair, red veins and so on.

They live eternally. They don't die no matter how much they live on earth.

In the Ancient Korea fifty years ago, there were different families of gumihos but they live in silence and hiding among humans because of gumiho hunters who hunt for them and lock them up.

Gumiho hunters believe that gumihos eat human livers but the truth is that there are some pure gumihos "those that don't feed on human liver.

Picxy is the eldest, vicious and wicked among them. She's always out of patience, she's pretty but harsh. She possesses power like other gumiho but not as much as June. She might be funny but she's of no good when it comes to feelings. She has loved three hundred years.

June is the second sister. She's calm, rational and beautiful. Surprisingly, her power surpasses those of her two sisters which makes Picxy jealous. Though she doesn't show it. She's the most powerful because she's the only gumiho born in the month of June so all the power in the month belongs to her.

She has a weak point and it is ice. She gets extra scared and weak when she sees it and as the ice melts she'll cry. Her eyes turns green whenever she's angry. She has loved two hundred years.

Tania, the junior sister is very kind, wise, respectful and equally beautiful. She has lived one hundred years.

There's a gumiho which called Morgana, she's from the breed of human liver eaters. She's wicked with no mercy and she eats the lover of any human that comes her way and she's the first in the list of gumiho hunters.

She has a son named Alexander though no one has ever seen him. Rumors has it that she locked up her son in a room and sealed up his powers so he'll be powerless until a certain period of time. Wanna know why she locked him up?

There's also a particularized gumiho hunter named Gwi, he possesses black magic and his dream is to get rid of every gumiho either pure or liver eaters. He locks them up in a dungeon and tortures them, he's also desperate to catch June cause of her extra powers and her sisters. He vows to be the one to kill the wicked witch Morgana.

The three sisters are always lucky cause they never cross paths and even if they do he has never caught them. But one day he got them and tied them down. They are special breeds so he decided to lock them up in the two ancient cups of bondage at Emotionless Cave.

He locked Picxy and Tania in one cup but because June is special he locked her in the other cup but while he was trying to lock the cup he made a mistake which led him into locking himself with June inside that cup.

Later a museum owner, Mr Park discovered the cups in a cave while journeying and took them without knowing the contents cause they seem impossible to be opened. He kept them as special requirements in his museum. The story took a fifty years leap to present Korea.

Now we'll talk about Dylan Park, the grandson of the rich and popular museum owner Mr park.

Dylan is a rich 22 years old guy who seem to be getting younger as the days go by. Handsome, cute, funny and creative. He's a medical student at Haesung University and he's known for his handsome face and athletic skills. He runs as fast as flash and also very brilliant.

He has always marvelled at the cups in his dad's museum but his father warned him never to try opening them but Dylan is an inquisitive guy.

The cups strangely attracts tourist from far and wide who came to the museum just to watch the cups and thus made the museum more popular. It seemed as if the cups brought good luck.

Dylan made a plan to open the cups. Will it be successful?? What will be the outcome of the cups opening?

Meet another student of Haesung University. Davis Lee, actually the most popular student because of his gentle and calm face plus his cute appearance, he also studies medicine. Also brilliant but not as Dylan. He plays violin and guitar like a pro and he has a great secret that isn't known to anyone and was the reason why he's always lonely and withdrawn. In spite of his popularity he has no friend.

Wanna know the secret?

Does he ended up sharing his deepest secret? And with whom?

What happens when he falls in love?

Who did he fell for?

What about Morgana and the locked up son?

What about Dylan, Picxy, June, Tania and Gwi?

Lots of secrets will be revealed Find out!!!!

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