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If I leave Tonight

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 1170    |    Released on: 23/12/2022

hat was partially visible due to the sunlight, his face had a witty

e?” He teased her as she was

ecause her throat was dry as a desert, and above

how are you? How do you do? How is life going?—” He spoke as he walked ar

o that” With a mischievous gaze he looked

looked around the bed where there should have been at least a singl

You were the one do

n she was alive even after going through the pain of death.

he man as he stepped closer to her,

u are nobody to stop me from doing what I desire.” December spoke in a

e man only stared at her with

t will make my job way easier”

you?” Dece

d back at December, “ Your Guardian Angel!” He

Then let me die so I can be at

somewhere else, so you


ce, but I never once got it, tell me why should I believe you?” December sho

e spoke in a funny way that made De

r weird hobby as an Angel?” December sa

?” December shouted which mad

started missing me?” he said with a grin as he brought her

plied as she took

that is only possible if you fix your past” He kneeled close to her and held her one hand that was still in h

You can change.” He spoke those words in such a calm voice that December felt them right in the heart, her memories of childhood rushed into her brain. She remembered her family, her mother. She used to play with them but suddenly they died and everyth

is it too much?” Her lips uttered the words of her heart, the words

ound in the park. I wanted to be loved just like any child

the toys away from other kids, I thought I would be happy but I never was. Because what I wanted was love, not toys. I grew up with this hate in my heart. I wished to steal away

his baby. I started hating her for stealing the love of my life. So I killed her, killed her with my own hands. I killed the life inside her body too, that day I became a murderer. I was

im right?” he sai

December replied

it all out when you m

o idea what he said looked

a small flask, in wh

u mentioned him,” He s

t possible

ow, follow me” He walked away

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