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If I leave Tonight

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1105    |    Released on: 23/12/2022


losing every sing

se all you have in mind is success and you cannot think of losing under any cir

at?” December raised he

are still the same girl who kept on ruining l

He replied calmly as if trying to break the concr

mber ran back to the counter and picked up her bag. She w

ber didn’t want to accept that she too wished to cry and she too wanted to repent. December left the bar in a rush during the har

wish it is not too late by

xcept for the one blinking over Bartender’s head, making it feel as if it was the only hope left for

long way to


r echoed in the neighborhood, someone was running through the street, from inside of the windows of the tiny h


ing hands, she closed the door and ran towards the washroom

to dig into the sold sink but could not, every part of her body showed that she was sorry for her wrongdoings, that she wished to fix everythi

walked out of the washroom and into her room, she walked like her insides were dead and only a soul was l

he clothes, it was a safe, Her face as pale as snow and her lips dried out because of fear, December pressed the code with her tre

for a long time before lifting it to her temple. Her room ga

eathed heavily as it was difficult for her to end her life. Neither she could live nor she wanted to die, She sat on her bed mustering up the courage to pull the trigger but a portion of herself still wanted to live which made her doubl

last breath of air sucked into her lungs, she pulled

he loud sound of thunder, nobody noticed the gunshot in t

Her body lay on the bed covering the white sheets wi

ide the apartment with a timepiece in one hand and an

tapped his umbrella on the d

ed into the apartment and walked around wh

ok look who's back—” he sang as he did his movement which matched his lyrics,

as lying dead “Oh, dear.” He looked at the blood-fil

f this place” He walked over to

expected dark weather from a while ago was expected but rather than rain sunlight ent

your beauty sleep?” Wi

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