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Chapter 4Ā Heir

Word Count: 984 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 14/12/2022


ack it wasn't like dis I mean, it was hurtful and sweet, knowing I have his daughter in my hands was enough for mor but it will have been more better if it h

ant look what ever those people send am sure you could handle lt, if you think you can't you could pass it to tonia. And besides call me tonia I said s


room and was told to cheeck out the package that was sent to us by the larrision Mafias. Yes sir and with he left. I was taken to the place where I was to see the package normally it would be a warning note or not


en, I would want to stay here than go back home getting married to Devo, I mean how could I just marry someone I don't love. I tried

her finance. What do you want, I asked? Are you scared my dear don't worry am not going to hurt you, guys bring her down. A

ont of me and before you know it the two hefty guys held my hand and tied me to the chair and place my two hands on the table. No no no, what going on. And


I guess it attracted everyone attention not too long two hefty men pop up and wait is that no

hing" I heard my dad say


atch him alive I could see the anger and sadness in his heart, just stay put young miss we coming for you. I and the rest men went to


mom, she knows best of what am i can do. Am going to my room and please don't disturb. I got too my room and went straight into the shower, I light up so cigarette and went to my reading room, I opened my laptop to search for tonia mars, I heard from my spy that she is Romeo right hand woman, I the last thing I know of Romeo that he is clever

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