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Chapter 2 Heirs

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 13/12/2022



m going to be use as an object to dad. I do see how dad and his men toured those people who were their enemies, cut of their fingers or even worst, I sobbed more thinking I am going to face hell here, Dad where are you, nanny, cellen anyone help me please. Not too long the door cranked open, and a man came in. I was surprised and shocked, who on earth, I was been kidnapped by one of the dreaded and fearful Mafia, even dad is afraid of him, looking at his face alone scared me, I was still thinking of all the horrible things he going to do to me, cause DAd cause him a lot of pain, thinking about all the horrible things he going to do to me I blanked out, It's better I die than to feel the wrath of this man. Mrs larrision POV I could hear my men mumbling, I did not expect it to be him who took my Irene, even me am afraid of him but am not going to show this weaknes


eard someone voice" I raised up my head to met nanny at my door post, I ran to her and fell on her warm embrace, nanny tell me she is going to be okay, nanny please tell my sweetest Irene is going to be okay, I asked? "She will my dear, she will be save." "No she won't be save she is going to met here mom in hell where she came from

o P

done it without your help. I said. We were still smoking and drinking when we heard her voice from upstairs, I guess she is awake" I said to Romeo. Romeo ordered some men to go calm her down, and yea, we could hear her chattering, but later on she did calm down, and not too long Romeo decid

filling the sky is so nice, I saw the guards in their training uniforms, yea some prefer they train at night where they will have the most quiet and peaceful environment, Romeo a

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