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Hating The Vampire King

Chapter 2 1 B

Word Count: 981    |    Released on: 30/11/2022

after she was born, but she had missed her. Jezebel was the only figure close to a mother in her life but whenever she saw these people and how amazing it must've felt to have a mo

be eating their dining as the lovely family they were, to themselves. And behold, that was what she saw as she silently walked to the kitchen, her eyes so red from her te

moon, not trying to stop her tears. "I've always sat here and spoken to you about everything that bothered me, yet you've ne

ay from them and everything that reminds me of them. Someone that will love and take care of me." The sky still looked the same, pitch black with the sprinkle of stars to brighten it and the moon, stagnant in its possible way that Esmeray had to softly smile. "No res

ound, a banging and horrific yet dangerous sound that immediately sent a chill down her spine for it screamed of danger! She got to her feet as her whole body sh

till hear the sound and it was getting closer. Papa looked up at her, "Wha

to Papa's arms. "Papa, it's a dangerous sound! It's going to kill me!" She cried and hid her face in his chest, a

ng, okay?" She had always been strange, but not

lged out as she heard the story Jezebel was telling her, which felt like a myth. Because were there real

rone." Jezebel spoke as though she had seen the future and while she opened her mouth to laugh at the horrified e

r that just smiled at her also had his fangs peeking from his m

ling hands in hers, "Yes

asked further, "But I've never seen your fan

umans that they're now unable to see a vampire in his or her form." Someone passed in fro

Why is it that I could

while Esmeray nodded her head, "The sound you heard yesterday, was a sign to all va

ected. But why did she have to get tangled

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