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Hating The Vampire King

Hating The Vampire King

Aishatuh M


It has been said that Ammar, The Vampire Prince that died 500 years ago would resurrect and everyone seemed to believe that but Esmeray, she had never even believed that there were Vampires in Dewhurst. Until one day she heard a shocking and frightening sound and when she asked, she was told that it was a sign to all Vampires that the dead Vampire prince was back from the dead and now, as the Vampire King She hated him for making her see and feel the things only Vampires should, when she knew she was human, how comes? Until he declared her his bride at the Virgin Runaway, Esmeray had no idea why she hated him so much. Until she got married to him, and she got to know that this hatred she had for him was only a pinch of the hatred she felt for him 500 years ago. Back then, as a Vampire.

Chapter 1 1

Her chest laboured up and down as she ran around the busy marketplace, there were noises all over as she manoeuvred her way deeper into the market, she was being careful of objects that could harm her and large people that could knock her down. A wide smile appeared on her lips when she caught a glimpse of it, the shop she had always visited no matter how busy she might be or the punishment that awaited her at home, she didn't care and never will.

"Esmeray!" An old woman called out from the shop when she stood there, with her hands on her chest as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up with a smile on her face and walked further into the shop, slightly closing her eyes as a bright smile glowed on her face, for nowhere in this world had ever felt like home to her like this shop.

She crouched down on her usual spot and gladly collected the water Jezebel offered to her. She waited until she had calmed down before she greeted the old woman, "Good evening, Jezebel."

Jezebel went back into the shop as she mumbled, "I told you to stop running around in this market, didn't I? How could you get a husband if you kept doing things this way?" That forced a burst of rustling laughter out of her. No one had ever related her with marriage but Jezebel and she wondered why. Besides, she knew that even if she did want to get married no one will marry her in Dewhurst, for a lady only get married when her family wanted her to and took her to the Runaways that took place after every three months.

Her father had never taken her to one, no one even thought of her as a girl that came to the age of marriage or even related her to it. She was just Esmeray, the girl everyone maltreated and go scot-free, for she had no one to stand for her. And it was good to say in Jezebel, she found the home and family she had never had.

She stood and walked into the shop, helping Jezebel in handing the goods a customer had bought. She waited until she watched him leave before she turned to her with a smile, "I told you, Jezebel, that I'll never get married. Even if Papa will take me to the runaway this month, which I know he never will, I'll never get a husband." She sounded so sure and confident in the fact that no one will ever want her.

Jezebel softly smacked her head before she pulled the lunch she had always kept for her, "Here, eat this before you go back home." She sat beside her as Esmeray immediately ventured into the meal, "And I've always told you, Esmeray, you'll find a husband that no girl in Dewhurst will ever get even if they were to kill a thousand people. Just wait and see."

She mumbled incoherently with her mouth filled with food when Jezebel uttered the words she had found a liking in, which Esmeray knew will never happen. They spent over an hour in the shop as she helped Jezebel with everything that she wanted and it was only late evening before she decided to go back home when Jezebel was about to close her shop for the day.

With a thumping heart and hands that had already gotten sweaty due to what she knew she had to expect, Esmeray walked into the house, making sure she walked soundlessly to her room, which was the attic. Some days sleeping in the attic had been her worse nightmare, there were scorpions, cockroaches and whatnot, but she was now accustomed to everything and it felt as though they knew her too. None of them bothered her anymore.

"Mama! Esmeray is just back and she's trying to get to her room!" Akasha, her stepsister shouted toward her mother and Esmeray knew it was time to stop playing the hiding game. She had been caught, she had always been caught and by no one but Akasha.

She fixed her composure and looked up at Akasha that was flashing her a smug look and Esmeray quickly looked away. There were times when she wanted to give her a medicine of her own but she could not, even though she was a year older than her. To her, Akasha wasn't a younger sister but a nightmare and she dare not even speak back to her!

She wasn't expecting the smack that got in contact with her nape and she crouched down almost immediately at the pressure her stepmother, Yamla used in hitting her. "Didn't I tell you to stop going to the marketplace? Are you trying to find a husband or what?"

What was with everyone today and talking to her about a husband? Even though she knew that Jezebel meant her good when she spoke to her about a husband but for these people, she was certain they belittled her and thought she would have to stay with them until her last breath. Somehow, somewhere within her mind, she wanted what Jezebel said to be true. She wanted to show these people who she was.

Papa walked through the front door and he found her in that situation as Yamla scolded her over and over again. "Papa, I..." she began, but the sound of his belt on her was what made her shrill in a cry as Yamla kept conveying to him how Akasha had found her in the company of another man and she had to beg her before she came back home.

He kept beating her to the point that Esmeray could not even cry and all her lungs were extinguished by her lack of energy and if she could add, her skin felt like burnt skin and it hurt as hell should. He beat her to his satisfaction and mercilessly threw her out of his way as he stomped to his room. She looked up to see Akasha and Yamla smiling wickedly at her, this is what Yamla did, she hardly beat herself but she would do all she could to see that it was the father she thought loved her that will treat her this way.

She picked herself from the floor and walked up to the attic, she had to cry her eyes out. Not because of the pain of the beating she had got, but for the way her heart ached. She heard the sound of laughter and from the corner of her eyes she could see how lovingly Yamla had held her daughter and Esmeray wanted nothing but the arms of her mother.

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Other books by Aishatuh M

President's Son And I

President's Son And I



I have a secret obsession. You probably may wonder why it’s a secret when I’ve made it pretty obvious on the gram. Everyone knows about my obsession, well, except him, of course. And the universe seemed to be on my side the day I got to be his maid for a few hours. Only that, I’ve never expected that a day that started so amazing could end so badly. I’ve never expected that I’d regret seeing him that day. Or that I’d end up hating him and avowing never to forgive him for the rest of my life. But destiny has a funny way of twisting with lives; just like it has twisted with me. And I ended up not just a maid for a day for him, but a live-in maid! And just when I thought I’ve hated him enough not to be fascinated by him, the universe showed me that I haven’t even loved him enough. And he turned out not to be the person I thought he was. Breaking all those walls I’ve carefully built around my heart to crash without even trying to. Making me fall harder in love with him-just that this time, even though I knew that I’d never have a chance with the President’s Son, it couldn’t have been clearer. I loved him, but he had someone else. Carrying the little self esteem I have, I took the leapt of being with someone else. But…could I really live without the President’s Son? Is the secret I’m hiding, meddled with the hatred of him that I buried in my heart, be an opener to something beautiful…or worse? Maybe Zafir’s Story and I would be an epic lovestory. Maybe not.

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