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A Midnight Fantasy

Chapter 3 Curious Kitty

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 29/11/2022

derstand a word. What are you trying to tell me?' Erica waited for a few moments but she didn't receive any answer, she sighed and put the diary in her bag and went out f

t felt like forever, she reached the lessons field. As soon as she reached there she saw Jason. He had a purple bruise mark on his forehead which he had poorly tried to hide with his hair but had failed obviously. Erica prepared herself mentally to be ignorant and went into the stable to get her hor

, then she encouraged the horse to open its mouth so she could place the bridle in it as well, after settling everything, she brushed her horse with the brush that was placed in the stable. Jason came in

That made Erica very angry but she decided to remain cool, she pulled her hand from his touch and said calmly, "Well, I don't miss you at all. You cheated on me Jason, I would rather

lready, "I must be cursed, In case of saving, I saved only my virginity," she laughed to herself, as she kept walking she came near a stream from where she used to fill her water skin. She filled up the skin and gulped down huge sips of water; she then filled the water

it, expecting to find an answer, but only found, 'It will take time, but you will get over eventually,' Erica looked at the page weirdly, "Why the hell it did not respond to my earlier message, what was up with that writing?" she said to herself and pulled out her lead pencil from her bag, she s

t there were no dried leaves that would suppose to make the sound, 'what is this sound then?' she grew more and more curious and intrigued to find out the source of the sound and the creature causing it. She rush

her curiosity has not died down at all. As she came rushing into an open field she slowed down and stopped to catch her breath, she too

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