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A Midnight Fantasy

A Midnight Fantasy



In a town named Silver Moon, Peter lives with her daughter Erica. To the north of the town in the forest, there is a wall which no one has dared to cross. Erica's mother was a out casted witch. She left witch craft when she fell in love with Peter. But the wrath of the witches fell upon her daughter, and she was cursed to be murdered by King Dominic from another world. What will happen when King Dominic kidnaps Erica out of rage for crossing the wall, that no ordinary human was meant to cross? Will King Dominic be able to kill her and fulfil the witches wish and complete the curse? What will her father do to now protect her daughter?

Chapter 1 Hi Prosopiko

Hi Prosopiko, today I had my usual horse riding classes and then I went to hunt, alone. I did not told father because he wouldn't have allowed it and I needed to get my minds off things because of Jason. I didn't found any thing beside the usual animals, and rodents and some birds. So, I had to hunt a couple of sparrows which I think will be enough for dad and me. I cooked it into a soup with simple bread for dinner. Jason is being a jerk now, after break up I have told him multiple times to stop talking to me or sitting with me but he just will not quite.

Honestly he is getting on my nerves and I just want to kill him and chew his head off.

"What the hell?" Erica looked at the words she had scribbled in her personal diary, "chew his head off? What are you Erica? A cannibalistic killer?" Erica said out loud and rubbed that part, up till 'I just want to kill him'. She planned on writing further but she heard her father coming in the house, she recognized his foot steps. After all, it was just her and her father in the house all alone. It was a scorching summer this year, unlike any other summer, which meant that the winter was going to be equally harsh and unforgiving. Erica threw her diary under her pillow and went out of her room to greet her father. "Good evening father, how are you?" she asked as she examined his hands, usually he would bring some fruit or any after dinner snack, but today his hands were empty.

"I am fine sweet heart, how are you? How was your day?" he asked her as he sat on the broken chair, and took off his shoes. "Oh the usual, you know, nothing special," Erica shrugged and her father nodded, "smells delicious, what did you made today? I am absolutely famished" he said and Erica smiled and nodded, "yes, I made sparrow soup with bread, why don't you freshen up, I will set the dinner," she said and turned towards the kitchen, she poured the soup in two bowls and crumbled up the bread and added it into the bowls as well, she then placed two spoons in the bowls and set the bowls on the small round table. She didn't have anything else to garnish the soup with. But it still looked absolutely delicious and scrumptious.

Her father arrived after freshening up and they both sat down to eat. "How are things with you and Jason?" he asked her and she coughed awkwardly, "I broke up with him dad," she said and he looked at her in a shock, "But he was a good lad, wasn't he? What happened?" he asked her. He was actually very fond of Jason, because he never showed his stupid and cruel side to Erica's father, But Erica knew just how ferocious and vicious he actually was. "Yes, dad, It's just that, we didn't got along very well, I didn't wanted to continue some thing or some relationship that would have harmed me in future more," she said as she starred i her bowl stirring the spoon awkwardly.

Her dad chuckled, "Always worried about the future, you are a lot like your mother you know that, bless her soul. With you around I feel like she left her very big part with me," he said and Erica smiled, "I wish I knew more about her," Erica sighed and her father nodded, "yes, Kiddo, me too, you too are so alike, you would have gotten on so well," he said and Erica smiled sadly. Erica's mother Jessica died when she was only seven years old, so she does not know a lot about her mother, all the memories she had of her mother were like a blurred film, she would replay those memories in her head every night before going to bed.

Her father was a huntsman by profession, and she had taught her daughter a great deal of hunting, Erica didn't had any friends because everyone in the town would call her a freak because of her father. When her mother died, her father tried telling everyone that some fantasy, mythical creature killed her. The people of town looked at her dead body also, but no one could explain what had happened to her, or what think had killed her. Many people said that her blood was sucked dry by some leopard, or some other carnivorous animal. But Erica's father stayed put on his point and he told her girl to hunt, and be brave and he told her every thing he knew about hunting and how her mother had died. Erica of course trusted every word her father had said about the death of her mother, and she was determined far more than her father to find the truth about her mother's death.

They finished their dinner and Erica washed the dishes, said good night to her father and went to her room. She opened her diary, hoping to see a response but the pages were empty. 'that is weird, she responds quickly,' Erica thought then looked out the window as she heard a whooshing sound. She got up and went in the kitchen; she grabbed the lantern and lit its wax. She peeked in her father's room, he was asleep. She picked up a wooden log and in her other hand she grabbed the lantern. She then went outside to take a look at what was outside her window. She took small steps, trying not to make a sound. As she reached the place where her window was situated, there was no one. She held her breath and kept looking around, she placed the lantern on the floor, and the moon was full so she didn't have any use of the lantern.

She held the log tightly as she looked around for the intruder, she felt some one grasp her back, her reflexes kick in and she plunged the log at the attacker. As she turned to look at the person lying, she released a horrified gasp.

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