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The Withered Doll

Chapter 2 ‘Principis Pugione’

Word Count: 2200    |    Released on: 23/11/2022



his face to me now that


ian didn't stop me from hitting it. So what?! Another scar wouldn't be a

dn't continue to say anyt

ve something to do before I leave this forsaken world. I'm not ready to die yet. The revenge that the Agency gave me w

as gone

most lost control of my fist when my guardian s

ror and drink this tea. I'll clean it


I watched Lady Red cleans up the broken mirror. The tea tastes funny, and when I real


plane to

but it seems that my guardian has done some ext

. You do know that, right?" I turned to face m

led before patted my head. I shake my head because I hate it when she touches me l

r perhaps something to eat?" I did

Moscow." At the moment, I don't mind starving myself to death. What this woman doing is going again

rs. Before I could even jump off the plane, they would probably tranquillise me! There's no

But, Haraya, I have a family to care for. My husband is not doing well with his job, and I can't afford to lose this

ld I be a

get; we can't get our hands on any information. Everything was so vague that even I had tr

en in this flight, one or two of the passenger here is the enemy?" Lady Red shrugge

ibbons from my wrists. Did she plan to stop the circulation of my blood?

t us. This is so not you, Lady Red. How can you be

" She smiled. I see. Well, if they're arou

ur enemy could just shoot us down if they want to. That is why I thought that riding a commercial flight is safer. It seems like I was wrong.

at should we do? Should I proceed?" I was ready to make my mov

u afraid that the enemies hijacked this plane

urself the same qu

tions where I have to be sel

e seems to disappear from her expres

ent. Now, will you let me handle this situation?" Lady Red pinched

landed safely in Moscow." Lady Red got up f

see what kind of person t


ne with a career. Then I remembered that since the day I was born, no one ever wants me. Hell,

hy did after I burned the place down and even murdered all those who abuse me; I don't fee

fter murdering those who associated with the brothel. T

aps I do feel at ease when I kill someone. Seeing how they face death was exciting at first but now- as I kille

n't have to raise your dagger any-," I didn't wait for him to finish

meone who scared of you just because you have a bigger and stronger physique than I am?" I asked the remaining ass

o anything for you. Just spare our l

, that explained the bodies of the original pilot and co-pilot that

t. I will always repay my enemies 'kindness' with 'kindness'." I smiled before stabbing his chest multiple

ing behind me as I am meticu

you doing?" Lad

lled the original pilot and co-pilot along with the flight attendants who works in the fi

t now." Lady Red nodded bef

anned, we will kill the other passenger and keep the targ

eck and made him choke his blood. The pilot didn't eve

from his colleague. He screamed when

ray as hard as you can because you're not goin

by the collar and just pulled him away from

is plane back to its original cour

w to do this." My guardian walked i

co-pilot seat after moving the dead body while my guardia

ready to see what you've done to the place. To be honest Haraya, even The Agency cleaning crew were astoun

t nickname be?" I a

gione'," I rai

I like using my dagger to kill

ill not feel satisfied if you didn't make a mess o

s group of assassins knows where and when we're going to Moscow. Man, the FO needs to step up his game. If the CM knows

probably never l

you have to do is focus on your mission

brought a few spare of clothes with me. It might not be practical for your mission, but at lea

a long-range weapon such as guns or perhaps a bow. Just don't use your dagger nor the sam

target suffer before they die. Thi

n yourself from doing anything that might attract unwanted attention." I w

cy's protocol. As long as my guardian provided me wi

hange into cleaner clothes." My guardian

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