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Chapter 4 Part 1. Chapter 4

Word Count: 2076    |    Released on: 10/10/2022

's verdict without breathing. He scolded himself so much for telling her everything directly, without preparation. And he didn't know what to do now. B

she asked, in a faint voice, w

s by your side,»

himself. Moreover, none of the local guys had said a bad word about the girl when he cautiously began to inquire about her reputation. And then, he confirmed his decision for good. A month later, after the hospital, they got engaged. Aliyah wore a shawl and a ring and became his official br

ket chains in all provinces of Canada and several states of the USA. Damir also found out that he had a mother, Emine Saidi, 62 years old, and a 23-year-old sister, Saher, a management and marketing student

lowed Damir's imagination and fantasies to run wild. He looked forward to meeting his real parents, the father he had dreamed of all his life. Once again, he was coming to believe that it was not their fault that he grew up

d a sudden childbirth. The ill-considered act of young Omer Saidi. He took his beloved wife with him everywhere, and sh

latova. Of her in her youth, in middle age, and now at the age of sixty-three. He stroked the surface of the latter and warmth flooded through his veins

Montreal airport welcomed a flight

ded into two countries, he thought. The blood will pull, it already had, and there was nothing he could do about it. He would want to see his real parents and small sister, and they wouldn't just let him go either, he was sure. And it was no longer about position or money. It h

vate buildings, the security guards, the expensive cars, everything was out of reach and out of his world. He could only look, not touch, as in a museum. His vain attempts to rise to this level were fruitless, and he said goodbye to his dream for the time being. Buried it deep in his mind, and just studied. Sometimes he moonlighted as a courier,

ews that almost shook his consciousness. «Mr. Damir Palatov,» in plain English, which he had learned well, «I hasten to inform you that you are the son of Mr. Omer and Emine Saidi by birth. You were confused at the maternity hospital. There has been a ridiculous mistake. A secret investigation has been going on for the last two years and it's over. What's more, we had time to run a secret DNA test.

Really?! He almost lost his mind at the news! D

he window. Beautiful landscapes of European motifs mixed with a Western accent beckoned

fe, I'm just a guest. I just appear

plate, could not afford to believe in a miracle! Anything but that. Miracles just don't happen to him, not eve

de the window. One mansion replaced another, with gardens and swimming pools. Near one of these, they stopped and the gate parted in front of it. Another 50 meters th

e door opened in front of them, Damir got a little nervous, expecting to see the owners, but on the threshold wa

least remotely. He bought some brand name clothes, and made himself look as genteel as he could. But right now, he felt the weight of the backpack w

around Damir saw a tall and stately man, in spite of his age, coming down the stairs, in whom he immediatel

mir answered the greeting in

guy didn't know the Persian language, but he realized that his father was speaking in a low voice to thank the Almighty for this encounter, and his voice trembled. Clasping

was trying to calm the first. The men turned around. In a split second, Damir had

nds of trials in life, harsh conditions, even hunger and cold, anything and not break down, get up and go forward with renewed vigor. And now, sitting on the floor and hugging the woma

ells and scents his gut needed, everything was here, among these people. And no words can explain how a soul that absorbs love feels, is in a state of tenderness and bliss. As if it were wrapped in a soft, fluffy blanket. That was exactly the state of Damir's soul in those mo

ked questions had been answer

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