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Chapter 2 Part 1. Chapter 2

Word Count: 1866    |    Released on: 10/10/2022

n 30 yea

g to the building of the business center, where he

closed eyes. News that he l

to do, and informing someone about, the guy not hurry. Although some decision to make in such a situati

crucified him from the inside. He couldn't even decide whether to be happy or upset.

like a defective toy thrown into a pile of rubbish. Then, when his personality was already formed, when he learned t

r him to get an education, his poor mother had to work without rest. And when, in principle, he has already man

me of painful languor, he returned to the university dormitory, where h


absently, lying on his bed

ulous scrupulousness, but here he was lying with his arms thrown behind head in a jacket and shod. Shrugging, he turned to the closet in the corner of the r

, to his hometown. The last time he

flown under the br

ties and thorns, through which he had to go through alone, since his father died, even before he was born in a car accident and there were no brothers or sisters. He had to harden, probably from the cradle. For as long as he

l of his memory with a sign «special». Damir smiled, remembering their

nees, right now!» Marat threatened, drawing

oment while the swing of the chain was gaining strength again, he ran up as if teasing him and with a gesture of his hand urged him to continue. And then he ran away again. And this chase continued around the entire perimeter of the site on which they staged a wre

its end, then, jerked it towards himself. Marat didn't even have time to figure out how he ended up in the arms of his enemy.

rror at his «executioner» expecting the worst. But Damir didn't pay attention to his frightened look and, pursing his lips, with zeal, pulled brass

from himself. He whistled to his guys and urged them to stop the ensuing fight. While

He shouted, waving

icipants in the dismantling of the opposing side also came to unhappy

t similar skirmishes were repeated more than once with others. Damir, magically, always managed to emerge victorious. Thus, his authority, as the leader of a still small criminal group, grew by leaps and bounds. The guys from the yard punks gradually turned into inveterate bandits. Their activities expanded, as did the boundaries of what wa

have continued until

t time, of almost 20 people, opened a small club, several game libraries and a couple of establishments in the topic of entert

er of ownership, setting up a trap for him and later threatening physical violence. For thi

ued to work as a nurse at the local clinic. Only when Damir was stability in his business, he persuaded her t

one unremarkable in appearance guy helped her w

ted, not assuming anything bad. Women

e was in trouble, but didn't want to scare her.

ved a call and a p

business. He do all in order to save his mother and himself with some of his "comrades

where he grew up, but still, she was happy. His mother supported him and ran for help to her good the only and right decision. And besides, the most suitable option

im from the police station, he gave her word that he

He tightly closed the door to his criminal past, turning

r suspect this g

hout being distracted by anything secondary. Be it bullies who tried to bring him to the showdown, or smart speculator

gh his athletic build and cheeky black eyes made a completely differ

mething to drink?» asked the

he girl in uniform in some confusion. After

nking,» he said, taking th

ess commented, « yes, I notic

y back at her an

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