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Chapter 6 Far from home

Word Count: 1860    |    Released on: 22/10/2022

is, in-fact you can do more than this, you've come a long way, and there's nothing at this point that you cannot do. Yes! I can proudly saying my little princess is now a grown wo

ee. I understand that I'm your only child, and it's really difficult for you to live without me, but I think you should let me go now!, I had my breakfast, and I'm not promising to have my lunch, and I know how much you love me and blah blah blah". "There will be someone to come pick you up now, I'm sure his almost there, you don't know anywhere there, and I won't want you to drag all of your stuffs all the way down to your school". My Dad cut in ignoring all I was bluffing. Indeed I was really bluffing. "Awwnn.. Daddy" i pouted. "Yeah, and you're right, I love you so much, have a nice first day in school princess." He said. Hanging up the call before I could reply. Being accompanied by one of the school staffs how kindly volunteered to take pity on me as I was struggling with my luggages. She led me to the principals, or I mean school chancellor well which ever name she's being called office. As we walked through the corridor, which walls was decorated with different paintings, one side of the wall was filled with portraits of philosophers, And different scholars, of course Shakespeare is here, the painting of Queen Elizabeth II stood magnificent on the upper right side of the wall. And at the left side was that of past student of the school, the rest of the painting appeared blurry to me, as we proceed of course I took of my glasses. Two girls dressed in the same uniform as mine, walked past me and whispered something to themselves. I seemed to pay no attention at all. Yet another group with the eyes fixed on me like they were about to feast on me, I'm already aware I'm a foreigner here but is it posted on my head somewhere, I mumbled inaudible to myself. "This must be it" I smiled sweetly at the lady with me as we came to a halt in front of a white door with a big inscription of the "Chancellor's Office" on it. "Thank you so much" I said forming a British accent. "You're welcome" the lady smiled at me as she walked away. I took a deep breath, before getting myself to knock at the door. "Yes, come in" a voiced echoed from the inside. I push the door open and stepped inside with one eye closed. "Oh, you must be the new student, a woman who looked who might be in her late thirties said, ushering me to a seat. "Elsa Williams" "Yes ma'am" "Nice to have you in our beautiful home, that's what we call it, here cause everyone here is family, and we aim to make each and every of our student feel the need to see us as one, regardless the difference, we're all one and equal here" she said with the same smile still on her face. "Trust me dear, you will love it here, just take your time" "Oh, I can see you have your bags with you, I will love to show you around the school myself as it's such a beautiful sight to behold, but I'm having an emergency meeting with the board which will commence very soon so I'm going to send for one of the student to help me with that, once again you're welcome to your new home, and family" The lady smiled sweetly. Oh gosh, I feel lik

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