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Chapter 5 Dorm 26

Word Count: 1190    |    Released on: 21/10/2022

I'm actually feeling right now. "Miss Shelby, this is our new transferred student Elsa, from Switzerland" " Hi Nice to meet you" The new girl said extending her hand. My gaze averted to my ha

thing about her, it was her legs. She had a long sexy legs, the school skirt was perfect on her, like it was made just for her, her long red hair which was slightly Curled flowed down her back. She really has a lot of hair. I groaned when I realized what I was doing, but couldn't find the conviction to pull my gaze away. "Fuck," I hissed. Focus Kimora. Celibate, that's your goal. "Uhm .. Actually I was having ethics class earlier but I'm pretty sure the class is over and my next class is not until noon" I said tucking my hair away from my face. She nodded her hair slightly and waited for me to continue. God I hate the way she got her eyes fixed on me. It's really so uncomfortable. What's going on with me. Okay calm down. It's just a girl. I assured myself. "You should check there, what class do you have now" I asked gesturing at the piece of paper on her hand. "Uhm huh?" She said looking lost. "Oh, the timetable, uhmm.. use of English and grammar" she answered. "Okay, that should be the first class at your right." I said. "When you go down the corridor, the first class at your right, come see if you can see it from here, There that's it, you see where that mister is entering" I said while trying to point out the class for. "My heart skipped, when I realized my hands where at the nape of her neck, and she was standing gapless with me, the smell of fresh shampoo filled my nostrils, as her long hair hovered across my face making me slightly unease and blocking me from her face, I gently brushed them off with my other hand, which made her turn her face to me immediately. I held her on her shoulders preventing our head from colliding going with the force she turned with. I took the time to run my eyes over her face. Her deep brown eyes were drowning, her jawline was sharp as an edge. I couldn't help but notice the mole situated right after her

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