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Melting her hardened heart

Chapter 10 Boss, she's dead

Word Count: 1754    |    Released on: 16/09/2022

aught up with her. She got scared that Justin must have caught up with her. " See who finally came around!" A goon walked in. She looked at him. She was sure he wasn't one of Justin's men

you" she begged. He looked at her, she continued to beg even though she knew her pleas were falling on deaf ears. Frustrated by her constant begging, James took a clothe and gagged her mouth, making her unable to produce any sounds. " Now listen," he said bending his face over to hers. " I'm not a terrible person so I'll let you choose your mode of death" . She looked at him with disgust, if murdering his fellow human didn't make him a terrible person, then what would? " So tell me, will you like to die by hanging, poisoning, stabbing, drowning, falling off a balcony, gun shot,....." He listed a lot of dying modes to her but all she did was sob. Not because she was afraid of death, but because she was dying because of her husband. She started having the urge to throw up. She showed signs that she wanted to throw up but James only chuckled. He thought she was only looking for a means of escape but she proved him wrong when she threw up all over him. Surprisingly, the clothe that was used to gag her mouth came off immediately she threw up. " Ew" James said, i

orced him to get married to Ana and he couldn't bring himself to defy her. He sighed, now he had to find her but the question was how? James wasn't responding to his calls. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Now he would have to find Ana himself. He grabbed his car keys and left. ************************************************ Ana ran like never before, she had to escape. She turned and saw that the goons were after her. They were closing in, she thought. She ran as fast as she could but she wasn't close to civilization. Where was she? She wondered. She ran through thick bushes and soon, her legs began to hurt and she felt her stomach rumbling. She hadn't eaten. " You can't get away from us" she heard James screaming. She halted, she was at the edge of a cliff. She looked down and saw that it was a river, a deep one at that. James closed in. He laughed at her. " Did you think you could get away from us?" He laughed in a mocking tone. He started moving closer to her. " Please don't hurt me, I beg you" she sobbed whilst moving back. James stopped, he laughed, took out his gun and pointed it at her. She shrieked in fear. This was definitely her end!! He chuckled and continued to move closer to her. " Please, don't hurt me, I beg you. You're a human just like me. Of what use shall my death be to you?" She asked, amidst tears. He looked at her, he saw how dirty and tattered she was looking. He wondered why Alex would want his own wife dead, he sighed. It was clear to him that Alex wasn't the only one after her. someone else was after her, his mind travelled back to how he'd kidnapped her. FLASHBACK..... " Drive faster" James yelled at his men, he was clearly desperate to find Ana. He sa

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