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Melting her hardened heart

Chapter 6Ā I'll still get my revenge

Word Count: 1623 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 16/09/2022

odles are not great deal" she replied smiling. Alex proceeded to seat on the bed. " I didn't know that" he said and gestured for her to seat beside him. She sat beside him and placed the tray o

ced him in a tight hug. " I love you and I hope we'll be together forever" she repeated embracing him tighter. " How hard it is to have a wife?" Alex thought to himself and sighed. ************************************************ In a brothel, a woman is seen with only her panties and a bra dancing around going to men, asking for tips. " How much for two hours?" A man with a cigarette in his hands asked " Not expensive, just 500 dollars" she said dancing. " Okay, meet me at room 28 by 9p.m sharp alright?" The man asked with a smirk. " Of course" she said and moved to another man. " Two nights?" Another man asked, his face could not be seen clearly as a result of the dim lights. " Hmmm. You seem very desperate, how about 3000 dollars?" She asked caressing him. " Done deal, come to room 31 by 12 a.m, not a minute late, not a minute earlier" he said and took a sip of his drink. " Alright" she said and continued dancing around the club. " I have to rid myself off this pain that has caused by love. I can't take it, I need a woman" the man thought to himself. " Another glass?" The man at the bar asked. " Give me a whole bottle" he said. " You seem pretty desperate, what's the problem?" He asked. " Will you give me the bottle o


dmiring the restaurant section. " It's the best and my loving wife deserves the best" he said and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. They took their seat and Ana had the best time of her life. " Please excuse me, I have to use the bathroom" Ana said and stood. " Of course" he said and she left. Alex looked around and saw a waiter. " Excuse me" he called. " Sir?" " Get me two glasses of your most alcoholic wine" Alex said with a smirk on his face. " Ok sir" the waiter said and left. " I'm back" Ana said and sat. " Here you go sir" the waiter returned and dropped the drinks on the table. " Thanks" Alex said and gave the waiter some money. " How hard it is to say thank you" Alex thought to himself. " Alex, who are these drinks for?" Ana asked. " Both of us, who else?" Alex asked and took a sip of his drink. " I can't Alex. I can't, they look alcoholic" Ana said and looked away. While she was looking away, Alex slipped a pill into her glass and stirred it. " Please Ana, please. Do it for me" Alex begged Ana. " I can't". " Do you love me?" Alex asked. " Of course I do" she replied. " Then drink up." He told her with a grin on his face. " Fine" she said. She took the spiked drink and gulped the entire glass. " Ugh. This tastes gross". " Maybe coz it's your

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