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obsession with my CEO

Chapter 2 our new CEO

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

10 o’clock, I will lose half of today’s salary. When I remembered that, I felt like running. But I didn’t because there were people around. I suddenly came before the front door of

or, the elevator doors closed. I hurried towards the elevator. As I got closer, the doors opened again. I got into the elevator. Som


uel Hudson. He was standing among the peop


l wis

g,” I wished

w my eyes from his side. Samuel is a chapt

I was friends with. Samuel was a very honorable person. He helped me a lot at the beginning of my work. He had a lot of love and care for me. I saw him as

taurant at first sight. All the tables had candles lit in the center. Most were tables that could only seat two people. Most of them were occupied. I saw Samuel sitting alone at a table. A smile spread a

. I told

lcome,” Sa

he went back

iful in this dress,” Sam


talking about office matters there. There was silence between us for a while. Now and then I would look at the candle lit in front of

have been to this restaurant

an expensive restaurant. Thank

d I invite rat

ought of leaving here before the food ordered arrived. Samuel slipped one of his ha

muel opened the ring box and h

ry me?” Samue

aiting to see what my answer will be. I looked at Samuel. He is at least 10 years older than me. How he got the cour

ator. Then walked to my department. I was about

rly today?”.

e to her question. S

, sir,” Maria

,” Samuel wis

e when Samuel

blem with you a

o problem b

el proposed to me and w

small thing yesterday?” Tha

colds me whenever he gets the chance. He hasn’t crossed the line yet. I will re

will come to the office to

esn’t matter to me if it’s

an like our previous CEO. The new C

hat the new CEO is a h

. I saw Eric’s photo in a magazine. This is

Davidson. Davidson was a gentleman. Behaved well with Maria and other employees. But Maria did not like a middle-aged Ceo. Because the CEO of her dreams wa

some work to d

o my desk, that time I saw Samu

going in such


w C

at the side of the elevator. A few people are coming out from inside the elevator. We realized that

r new CEO I told

was shocked to see the guy who she pointed out. The

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