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obsession  with my CEO

obsession with my CEO


Chapter 1 cleopatra

Word Count: 999    |    Released on: 25/08/2022

”. mom's voice came

I am c

hat monster team leader kill me when I forgot something. Before leaving my room, I go straight to the painting of Cleopatra which hanging on the wall of my room. It is not an expensive painting. I purchased it from Amazon. Although the painting is cheap, still Cleopatra lo

again. I left the room and go

hall, I saw my father, mot

e. Then I come near to the dining

hen I looked at Lucy, her focus was on the mobile phone in her hand. She puts the pancake in her mouth

e no class toda


d nothi

affair,” I said in my mind. I

me this evening. He wants to get to know us all. I

a piece of pancake in my m

ook her eyes off her p

ee her smile?

laughed e

g has it

the authority of

ths,” sa

have lasted over three months.”

r third boyfriend. But you haven’t i

d at me a

father's words. My mother also

k her. Boyfrien

eted us with

om looked at

rue? Are

ad,” I

on the dining table. I want to throw a panca

status. Not knowing what to say, I took a pancake piece in

will bring my boyfri

tionship conversat

d my hands and mouth. I took my bag in my hand and said goodbye to my mom and dad before leaving the house. Looking at the

of me to my home yet. Because none of the guys I dated not qualified to become my boyfriend. I didn't get the man of m

or and got out. The height of the young man was about six feet. He is handsome. His clothes were a t-shirt and shorts. There is also a cooling gla


t the girl again. I'


en hair, huge breasts, and her huge butts. T

ill lose all hi

and Lamborghinis. She always selects high-class boys. I could never be able to fall in love with a high-class boy. High-class guys don't like average gi

a lot of shopping bags in her hand. They both got into the car. Then


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