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The Fire Saber Ranger

Chapter 8 Party Crusher 2

Word Count: 1684    |    Released on: 20/08/2022

re heard as most of them took out textbooks for homework. Outside the school, Freddie and the others except fo

, while freddie and Kelvin sat at the edge of

irectly to James who was stuffing his mouth with some

"but Kelvin why are you always late to

t we skip that!" Kelvin

me inquisitive with his

shut with a frown on her face "Eww; boys stuff" she shook her

them "Anyway Guys, are you ready for my partyyyyy"

ited you turned 18" Chloe replied

I know

can I invite two of my cousin along, I can't believe I got to ba

Michelle replied

that's coo


ely looks like a bug camera taking video and audio of their conversation. Straight to the kolvax spaces

"This fools are having a party when they are in ch

Holding the handle, he turned it in a clockwise direction. An energy is seen powering the mon

ll call you the party crusher

r-par Party" The monster a

towards the monster, he s

lked towards his evil machine and drew out his monster to human switche ray machine from a big metal box. He turned it on before pointing it

ctly to Michelle on his system "and make her invite you to her party, then yo

ot that!" the

to be a cute young human joined with the laughter. Immediately Luther stopped him and yelled the second time "Silence, th


the others are still seen discussing

und my place earlier before the party start just to decorate the p

right guys" Kelvin turned to

your day" pointing to Michelle "and it's our duty to make it a m

... thanks" Mi

thday girl" James tease

sec, I wanna surprise you guys" M

?" Chloe made

" Michelle no

ith his head tilted to a side. he ad

c" Michelle said as she smiley backed away from the

Walking, she sees a kid running after her flying balloon. Smiling at the yo

ry" The young handsome looking m

e attention on walking, accept my

e young looking man made a joke which caused them to

his right hand for a shake which Michelle

he said with a smile. The two

oment as he tucked his hands into his pocket. He was wearing a black leather jacket on a black

embering "oh yea I'm having a birthday party this evening by fiv

ith his hands "Happy birthday"

date?" Michelle asked afte

u having your party" he asked with h

irst house by your right" Michelle expl

irections, he nodded in

you can" she said rubb

then birthday girl" he

she walked away from him, she

stand to get the some snow cones. She

ie smiley said walking towards Michelle

!" Michelle said before distr

ig surprise" Jack ind

es added as they a

elvin said as he tas

and softly Chloe whispered to her left

, James mocked "Girls stuff; eww

helle whispered back to Chloe's ear whi

uh" she n

" Chloe said drawing the


ly; Freddie interrupted "Guys, time is ticking, we have to

ked some meters together before parting to different directions. Jack, Freddie,

ee you guy!

be late" Michelle r

" Jack replie

loe said as she pulled Michelle a

ering "okay, let me say, 85%" Mi

yebrows raised up "omg mich, for you to rate

she asked with


think so" Michelle

eyes became wide op

ar since peter moved out for the state"

you're 18. You got to move on" Chloe gestured beore adjusting

ow" she said wit

w tell me do you like him?"

ed before greeting a gardener who was tri

waiting for" Chloe dre

arty maybe we could talk" M

Chloe teased Michelle who gave

ied which made the two laug

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