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The Fire Saber Ranger

Chapter 7 Party Crusher

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 20/08/2022

he front lawn and a electric sign that displays the current events in the school. Student dressed in mofti are seen w

hich doesn't relate school activities. Group of girls who calls themselves "the rich gang

school and many people including Freddie, jack and Chlo

wdy and noisy as most of the students were chatting due to mr wilson who was not right on time to class. Jack, freddie and agn

mid guy but his actions doesn't look timid. He's free and as well close to everyone includ

on his seat. He placed his hands on his l

Freddie said with a gesture but no agneor shook his head in disagreement

pointed to agneor who had a fake smile on his face. Freddie on the other hand bursted into laughter clapping his han

as won the most MVP in the history of basketball compare to that of Trent" Before agneor could respond, Mr Wilson walked into the class with a frown, with

desk, took out his glasses inserting it into his eyes slowly. Mr Wilson has this stature of a funny man with a stoic look on h

k door without mr wilson knowing. He tiptoed down to h

at him. this made him fidget a little but he didn't show

umbled something words to himself. as he was done, he inhaled then turned back to

eting nor sweating" he said sarcastically with an high pitched laughter. Looking at his face,

out your history textbook and turn to page 64. The origin of china!" Mr Wi

ll. Jeff McCurdy and Jasper Dean also known as JJ were displease

t possible for Freddie sitting on the second row to notice an empty seat on the third row which is usually occ

nd him on his seat, he looked at his watch shaking his head with disbelief "he

eading to" Mr Wilson asked as he cuts Kelvin who

e stared at his seat before tu

is watch before yelling

n with a rumpled face, apol

s table before crossing his arms together "what's you

ie stood up and blurted "he's just coming from chicago " and with that, the whole cla

n called out with a

sir" he

at that question, he made a nar

cautioned with a gesture which caused a laughter to the f

lied remorsefully wi

kelvin, i'll let you go only for your excuse but ne

y said as he dashed to his seat.

ow on the history of china. next class you're gonna group yourself so as to present it right in front of me and the class, good day" he sai

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