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Mobius and the Witch

Chapter 4 Housewarming Gift

Word Count: 1230    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

be this time talk to her and not s

I would do to

talking to?” Spenc

one, so what were you say

to him on Facetime. Spencer is having issues with an assignment and wha

t the gene mutation in the human bod

t I am a psychologist

fs, “I’ll g

Zach, and he squints

e are they? You didn’t l

the phone to

“I’ll get him a pair tomorr

always sorting and pa

, “Are you m

t a busy week ahead. Mom,

, is it about a g

han that. The apartment building manager said som

end and Jason doesn’t see anything, his mot


, how’s

parently there are rumours of wer

it has something to do with a prophecy. Your kind hasn’t been around


e guardian wolves.” Jamal replie

out the dream he had, he decides against it kno

ything or if anything happens

and stay safe. I hope you’

, I


ll, good

th and tell the boys


sons his chicken and puts it in the oven to cook, while he steams the

s, “Hey Zach

and please for the love of God,

ay. I p

d I think I like him, but I don’t know because I don’t think he likes me lik

athe, before you talk your

a few dee

athan right and you’re not sure if he’s


ng. Secondly, have you asked him what his i

still trying to figure t

u see him, get answers for yourself and if he’s not giving you

’s the only person at school that I fi

f is more important than people. You

“I guess y

I am.” Jas

oying, but I love yo

e littl

, and we’ll

e, b

miles. His brother f

of beer and goes to the living room. He sits down on his couch and turns on the tv.

s up from his couch and walks to the door. He opens the doo

” he smiles, “How

get a proper view of his face, Jason is over

Azaia,” s

voice, causes his

ol, M

oat, “Nice to meet y

n his body tingles at the touch of her hand. It ha

nd her and presents a bottle of wine

om her hands and looks at

bernet Sauvignon. Wow,

nd what says welcome to the neighbour

but I am not drin

asked her and it’s too late t

? I don’t wan

not, come a

let me go back inside and

leave the

on goes into his and pulls out two wine glasses and an e

lks into Jason’s apartment an

e could share.” She places the co

, you didn

on’t worry

at on the couch; he opens the bottle of wine and pours

a toast,”

s at her,


he sniffs his wine

me about yourse

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