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Mobius and the Witch

Chapter 3 Hello, Neighbour

Word Count: 1583    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

e next morning by a

rning," Jason

so early. I just wanted to talk to

course, I get

. Mom and dad probably were being awkward and asking him w

re being weird

nt. Their parents meant well but they were just struggling to

l talk to mom and dad,

to be her fashion guru. I still like sports and shit." Z

to them. Go get ready for you

e a fabulous da

diculous. Y

idiculous." An

son mumbles as he

Zach and his night owl habits. Jason

rches for his phone, but he can't find it because he's naked. He hears rustling and he begins to pani

ind him with a whoos

's t

els it and he smells it. The wolf within hi

t n

time it hits him in the chest he flies


extended out of his face. His eyes turn a bright red. He takes in his surroundings, and he smells something, it smelt like death. He looks around the trees and sees a figure in the distance.

s now time to rise.' The cre

s goin



n wolf, it is no

nd places its cold hand

s around, his heart is

" He c

irror. Before grabbing a towel, he bends forward and splashes his face with cold water. He wipes h

the day." He

rkout, a shower and then breakfast. Discipline, consistency, and kindn

few blocks from his apartment, so he walks to work. The semi-busy Charles Street had a fresh autumn breeze, meaning thanksgiving was around the

door clicks and Jason steps inside the warm building. He walks to the front desk wh

sir," she gre

tor McCartney. The new

s, of course. Welcome

nk y

your office. She apologises for not being here to we

, you can lead

just call

e woman, "Nice to

of the building, there is a big, beautiful garden with some benches scattered all over the lawn. Down the passageway, they reach the offices, they make

ur office, sir

sighs contently, "Thank

, walls were painted, the shelves re-organized and it

l you the security code and Wi-Fi password," Abigail says, "The coffee room is right next door,

you're a real star but I

if you need anything, just h

ail leaves and closes the door behind

mily picture, his many accolades, and certificates and hangs them up on the wall. Once he

roud o

t looks amazing. enjo

s dope brot

About tha

self as he responds t

I told mom she could t

at a be

m with dad

why you're my

and protection and he begins his work. He had no patients, so it gave him ti

mes a tall, dark woman, slim with a slick back afro. She's dressed in a blac

as he stands up from his chair, n

smile and reaches out her

hands and they

in person." She says, lea

les, "Likew

into Jason's stormy blue eyes. Jason feels exposed, in front

on and up close." She sa

you." Jas

. "So how do you

o get used to it bu

, I just wanted to check on


leaves his office. Jason leans

. Jason feels his bones tingling and ears start to burn, his inner being sings at the sight of her. He can't take his eyes off her. Her

and unlocks it without giving him not so a

ghbour." He whis

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