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The only one

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 3265    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

a sleeping Sam on my sofa. He tends t

e and hand him

ust stare at him like he's crazy. Last ti

his hangover of yours before we lose yet again" I was getting an



elf out. He lives in the flats opp

this game today. I joined the volleyball

we really excel in the sport

rugby is Nathan and he

people who are in

ag so I can ride with Remi who also l

to Alex?" She says to me when

rve out of the way of some k

ly says when she'

s praying i

t we met in the elevator, safe to

use I felt bad for keeping a secret in the firs

going to tell anyone" Well isn

arched the uni sports teams and finally rec

n her face when I jus

oo much for Sam because he

andsome right " he eve

say an

by the gods I'm sur

t, he's

. Our captain dale was already on the

ways late you live down the road" he gla

k my car," Remi tells

exercise for goodness sake" I

nts to the guys runni

aining all the time, they don't drive to fucki

ne hot head he's super into his team and t

m runs over to me. We had been playing for about

f" I reply back glaring daggers at coach who

joined this team to have some fun not be yelled at because I was

t finish this session off so

e back when I could feel so

. His team were taking a break and obviously

like a fucking team for once"


e finger at coaches back I

e actually playe

saw it barrelling towards me. Sam's e

p into the sky. It hurt a fucking lot since Natasha

cked the ball down onto t

int a little harshly

he says almost too quietly

I felt my shoe

" I groan. He looks my way,

g to grab us drinks

started to tie them up. My hands freez

ind about to give him a piece of my mind but seeing Alex sho

ys says moving away. My eyes were

n't a douch

e pushing off the fence

thirsty for something else," Sam says sliding up next to m

ay grabbing the dr

bliss. Coach worked us hard today and I'm jus

to training but we all kno


going c'mon," Remi says barging through my

ving my hand into the bag of Dorit

g no training for the next two weeks "when

" Remi just stares at me before grabb

fanny" I hear her call out. She earns an

r" I hear D

h didn't help

h my sneakers. This bar is super casual which is why most of the s

I'm trying to avoid Alex but

he bar and me and Sam d

ined back of Alex, a baseba

sed Laura, she does night shifts here all th

hich I probab

ers in front of the guys. she's always one to live off my weak

ve such a stron

still talking to them. poor guy, he looks adorable wi

, what t

eaning against the bar close to him. he didn't

. she tilts her head back laughing. She looks kind of crazy but

y child what do you want

e both glare at each other but funnily enough she just turns a

asked her?" Alex decided to enter our p

eya is just a god's blessing" I swear she needs to stop

le. Yeah, I get it he's already messed with me. I'm

nts randomly, well not actually more like over to the group I walked in here

e're going to be seeing more of each other,

he rugby guys

were giving me. I get it I'm the luckiest gi

on't want him spilli

er speak after yesterday, can hardly stand your presenc

tle secret is it?" he grabs my arm pressing his fingers down on

d the thought of you, out of all people knowing because you don't care, all you care ab

just watching me

y life, I hope you follow suit"

was walking the other way. I needed som

skin. My clothes were getting drenched but I honestly couldn't give

says from behind me. I peered behind me and nearly w

er his tracksuit bottoms clea

k trying not to make eye contact. But it seem

come to me darling let's get you warm" he motioned to his la

only way I could get away from this weirdo. But t

his chest fully taking advantage of my slightly exposed chest.

waist. He backed me up to a wall before placing his lips against my neck. His

hy the fuck did I run out here on my o

ake this was getting ridiculous. I tried everything from push

Full on screamed like a bloody banshee. I never knew I could sc

ut me up so nobody would notice but he was too late. One of the guys f

ng him into the ground. Some other guys ran over

uys were making out or something" he trails on checking me for any injuries

tually relieved, this guy didn't seem dodgy

dead on falling asleep over there, I'm joe by

can get to stay with you or do you wanna go inside, you cam

im, hopefully, he does because they're the only ones I wa

e door to the bar swings open. A figure walks out a

slipped from my lips alerting Joe that I knew h

m what's going on Alex was alr

k joe what did you do" h

hing, she was being molested by some guy, the guys are handling him as we s

he was being so angry. He p

meanwhile. Please don't do what I think you're... fuck

the action w

o see now though," he says patting Al

idn't know I was crying until I felt h

and storm out, Christ I should've followed you out at l

sh him away I needed someone

pulled me back into the bar, he sharply took a left whe

m okay" I reassure him when he strides over

rom how thin his shirt was. I could

s bringing the glass up to my lips. I didn't want to arg

I couldn't stare at him any longer

once I'm done with the water. He places the glass down o

ng on telling anyone, what you do in your time is not mine or anyone e

tell anyone people would be spreading it like fire by n

re in the room changed. I really didn't know how to handle the situatio

ed up now so my clothes weren't sticking to my body leaving me in

on you" Alex mumbles loo

sides. I found that quite strang

ket and hand it to him which he takes thankfully. Go

guy I said thanks too," I say, his name sli

lready out the door. Things just got rea

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