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The only one

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 721    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

ndrew as I roughly pulled on my clothes b

s is over I can't see you anymore" he said walking over.

ne begging me and telling me he loved me and now it's

umbled pullin

ld be so unlucky and stupid at

but seriously, t

one outside his room. I made the unfortunate tri

married. She was in another countr

r a while now and he seemed like a

y but I didn't notice that until recen

k s

inside t

didn't notice that I was not actually al

hat ain't

an I anticipated" the guy

eyes. I swallowed nervously an

the worst

cursing at yourself with your eyes wide and sca

own business" I snap at him. I really didn't have time

omentarily shock

t salty " he co

ad day what do you e

es that, that was a

eft his mouth I widened my eyes. Pretty sure I'm about to hav

d you?"

thumb sliding down his l

w what a girl looks like


yone around here would be

to. He was a serious deal round here with his family being stupidly ric

girls but he never shared det

ckly turning around and rapidly pushing the floor butt

when I hear his

essed where you wanted to go" I st

on't know how to use a elevator" yes because a

l my eyes at him

l kill you" I point a threatening finger at hi

don't worry " he says before letting

head again


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