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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1210    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

adows and away from any wandering eyes. Being the new girl in school already earns you the luxury of being stared at and analysed all day long until the stude

to this mess either, I didn��t want those guys to assume that I told my friends about what happened and target them too or maybe target them just in order to keep me on my toes and have something on me. But I couldn��t avoid my friends forever, they were already texting me, aski

! What��s

d her home because I didn��t want to be too far from our houses and I didn��t w

woke up on the wrong side

sn��t so sure how I was going to keep this a secret at the

lls me you��re

r eyes as she analysed my every


, she held out her hand in f

hat, don��t l

in danger of those guys and I didn��t want that and before I could come up with another excuse or a lie, my heart froze as I saw fro

uld��ve told Hina to make a run for it instead but then that would make her look like she also knew about what they had done, I went with neither of those options and decided to hold my ground. They weren��t going to bully m


stood there and watched me and Hina.I glanced over to Hina who looked a little uncomfortable but more surprised that these

Introduce us? We can

of complete and utter madness within his mani


t my lips, the guy stepped forward, towards Hina and so, I

hear me? I sai

ating from my anxiousness and I was irritated. Hina was innocent

you speak to m

hear and it made me nervous because soon after that, he turned and looked towards the alpha of their group who was

s going

ng her to say anything or have any part in this and noticing my desperation for her not

�s other plans for

loud and clear before he fi


about what I could say to Hina to make all of this seem less suspicious and as I spent the next hour or so trying t

gest mistake

ould c


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