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Torture. Forever bound to her doomed fate, could she ever escape the wrath of the man who abused her? The man who is willing to do anything to make her, his. Author: Alena Nadimian Publisher:EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1


Blurb: Torture. Forever bound to her doomed fate, could she ever escape the wrath of the man who abused her? The man who is willing to do anything to make her, his.

Tags: #Torture #SexualAssault #Abuse #Pain #Suicide #Escape #Obsession #PTSD #Morbid #Deranged #Psychopath #Stalker #Fear #Chaos #TwistedLove?


Drained from all and energy that I had left, I let my eyes roll back before trying to reopen them again, staring at the floor, I coughed out as I tried to crawl forward and away from them�� And just as I managed to pull myself a little bit further than where I was, I spewed out my guts like my life depended on it, throwing up whatever I had left in my system, I moaned out in pain as I tried to continue pulling myself across the floor before someone grabbed my ankle and dragged me back, returning me to the misery I was drowning in as he flipped me over onto my back an crouched down beside me, grabbing my jaw in his death grip, he looked into my eyes with nothing but evil lurking behind his dark orbs as he spat out his poison.

��Tell anyone about this and next time we won��t be so kind to let you live.��

My lips quavering with the fear that ran through my bloodstream, I lay there looking up at him as he got back up on his feet while I sunk further into the depths of my despair, trying to swim away from the sea of destruction while I continued to be pulled back in with each wave of misery that crushed me against my horrid reality.

The entire room flashed up as images were taken off me, my nude, used and abused body laying right there for them to make a fool out of as they both videoed me and took pictures, I didn��t even have the strength to try and hide myself from them, I could barely move and any energy I had left I had used it on trying to crawl away but that was useless as I still was laying here on display for them to enjoy as they devoured me with their eyes�� their dark, dark, evil eyes that held nothing but darkness within them, I was drowning in those eyes,

I was dying.

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