the hothe
anyone. in the seven hundred years that he ha
p with his father. His father never liked him. It should have hi
ew how much you need someone until
in fact. All he did in their life was tortur
it that they had lived with him for sevent
d choose their parents. He woul
that was his brother and sister. They may not have had the best rela
or the mistakes he did. Maybe they did judge him
he was. It was all his fathers did. He had wante
good. To know that he thought made him gag. He
ociety. No one cared if they were alive or no
a point where he could not stop. He could not drink pa
turned them because of his selfishness. He did not want to acc
ood why they thought being a vampire was the best thing th
at he wanted. They died yes but not compared
hen he was a hybrid? No one could kill them. Maybe he was s
love. He did not have emotions like other
faking in life meant a lifetime of pai
e never understood why it still hurt thoug
fed in days ", says E
look for group da where we could feed bu
ything", says Edmund as
nding blood that they
in abundance but no one was just going t
e was you g to enter and leave without being noticed. It was a cri
ns that he didn't want. He knew that people didn't think that vamp
ve the house he came face to
n and wondered why she w
n another boy's bed ", he says sarcastically as he moves
st went to a pa
?", he asks her as
yone was giving me a weird look as I came home as they haven't see
r outfit but her brother would point o
ike that at night but not during the day. People were walk
e people woke up, you looked like you were goi
and I am getting weak each second. So I was thinking about going t
you? How can you think about robbing a blood bank two days a
snapping people's necks and I don't think you will like that. So
did not want to start a quarrel w
s it wouldn't be long until the town was scared shitless. The would be noticed and t