In a world where vampires, werewolves, witches, and Gollums existed it was hard to differentiate them from humans if you didn't see them in their true form. "I can't choose you no matter how much I love you. It's either you or my family and I know what you are going to say that my brother has done many terrible things he doesn't deserve a second chance", said Katelyn as she loomed away trying to avoid Mateo's eyes. "He is my family I can't choose a man I have known for a couple of years over people I have known for centuries. They would die for me, you cant. You are just like them obsessed with power and I can't be caught in the middle again", she said. She was dying inside by making that decision but she knew one had to be made. It was like she was cursed and so were all her siblings. Things came in the way of their love lives and they were too smart to let life ruin it all for them. A part of her knew that she had made the wrong choice but then how would she know if she didn't do it.? People had to learn from mistakes but that was a mistake she was willing to make. She was willing to be dragged from town to town if it meant it was for her brothers. "You're making a huge mistake ", said Mateo. "I know but it's one I have to make ", she said as her voice broke. He was tired of running after her. Tired of begging her to choose him over her brothers. It was the end of the chase that was what she wanted. It was different this time around. He would not open his arms for her after she realized the mistake that she had made but maybe that was his flaw. No matter what she did she always knew he would still want her. It was them against the world and even if it took centuries to find each other again, they would be because they belonged with each other.
A love story.
Love was supposed to conquer all right?...
Somehow it felt like love was just torture. It was supposed to be a beautiful thing but then it made people's hearts bleed.
He was the greatest of them all. He had never wanted someone as much as he wanted her but yet she did not want anything to do with her.
He hated the way she made her feel. He was never supposed to feel what he was feeling. It was not like him.
Could he blame her though?
He deserved some of the things that had happened to him. He had acted out his mere gains and somehow ruined it all.
He had thought that he was doing a good thing but somehow it looked like he just messed things up.
Who would not want to be immortal? To live forever and for years to come but she seemed like she hated everything about it.
He did not think that he had done anything wrong and maybe that was what the problem was. He was never in the wrong in his opinion.
Edmund walked inside their home and everyone was doing their things. His love life was like shit but at least there was something good that he had.
He had a family.
People who would be there for him whenever he needed them and he was glad of that. No matter how much they hated each other's guts they would always be there.
He was a hybrid no one could kill him. Everyone was scared of them because they were the ones who ruled.
There was nothing better than power. He had tasted it and did not want anything else apart from that.
No one had ever said no to him until her. He wanted to be with her but she wanted nothing to do with him. He has turned her to be a vampire when that was not what she wanted.
What was he supposed to do though?
What was someone supposed to do when the person they loved the most was dying in their hands. He did not have any other choice.
He remembered the way she had been made the moment she woke up. She has wanted to die.
He had thought that she would be happy to spend the rest of eternity with him. By her reaction, it seemed like that was not what she wanted.
He didn't know what had broken him more, the fact that she hated that he had turned her into a vampire or the fact that he had thought he mattered to her.
It had been almost a decade since he had last seen her and he could not get her if his mind was always her it had been her but as time went by he wondered if he would ever see her again.
Right now he has any more things to worry about. A war was about to break out and he had to get ahead of them.
He had to act like the alpha he was. The witches were acting like they could be rulers but that was not how it was supposed to be.
Vampires were more fierce than them and he had to establish that authority.
All he knew was to act through violence and he wondered if that was how he was supposed to handle the situation.
People feared him and that was all that he wanted but that was not how things were supposed to be. If he was to be a leader people were supposed to respect him and love him.
He was the most feared vampire there was no way he saw that happening. For the first time, he was going to ask for help.
He acted on intuition and he would not hesitate to act on anyone who messed with him. Then again people deserved second chances he couldn't go around twisting people's necks.
They would form a coup against him. It was not like he was scared of them all he could do was kill them all which was an easy thing to do but he didn't want things to get there.
The Watson family was the one to be feared by everyone. They were the originals no one would dare disobey them.
His brother was in his study and he knew that he was the only person who would help him at that moment.
He opened the office and entered as he strolled around. His brother was always handling business.
"You know you could knock before budging in here?", his brother asks him as he stops doing what he was doing.
" And why would I do that, it's not like I will find you with some girl in here ", Edmund says chuckling.
" What do you want Edmund I am busy ", his brother says.
" I want some advice", he says
Elijah could not keep the smirk off his face. He had never heard his brother say something like that in all the seven hundred years he had known him.
"Are you serious or just trying to mess with me Edmund?", he asked him.
" I don't even know why I came to ask you ", he says as he starts to leave the room.
" Okay brother what is it?", Elijah asks him.
"You know the peace between witches and vampires is no longer there. They want a war because they think they deserve to rule.
I don't know what to do about it. I don't know how to solve things without fighting. I know how to kill people hit I feel that is not how am supposed to deal with this.
I thought you would tell me something that would help me on how to handle this. I don't know how to deal with things if it's not about twisting necks.", Edmond says.
Elijah could not believe what he was hearing. He had never thought that a day would come that he would hear his brother say something like that.
He was the most powerful vampire and he would easily make people do the things that he wanted. For the first time, he wanted to do things the right way.
It had all been his fault though. A war would not have broken if he hadn't killed one of their own. All because of love.
Chapter 2 HOME
Chapter 3 EDMUND
Chapter 4 BLOOD BANK
Chapter 5 DOING GOOD
Chapter 6 PACT
Chapter 7 POWERFUL
Chapter 8 SURVIVAL
Chapter 9 POWER
Chapter 10 NIGHTDALE