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Outrageous Addiction

Chapter 4 Accidental Collusion

Word Count: 1634    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

thought I would never see



an too good. I couldn’t find the perfect word to

through the city of Florida on my dad’s old bike. He had given it to me after

emembered his e

you lad. It is va

mom and my little sister had a good lau

my family affairs as my mind wandered off to the best

that happened to me in the university of south Florida. She makes me see the world differently

love about my Jane? Her smile…her beautiful ey

was replaced by my ringtone. Jane's name flash

an Angel and she

I could talk to her but I didn’t find any till the call ended. She called again and repe

m almost at your place. Let’s

er. I was about to hang up when he

. I have a sur

anned to surprise was enough to distract my attention from the road. A grin that should

’t what I’m thinking Jane.

bout sex while driving should be a punishable offense bec

y love. I missed you and you know you

lt my body reacting instantl

. I’ll be

my statement and ended my conversation with

e actua

t of the impact on the spot. My head was spinning and when I trie

ld see a car close to my bike. Did I just bash into a car? Momentarily, I forg

car opened with a little hint of force. The man must be boiling with

umed the owner was a man but the slender pair o

I gotten m

ssive when they need to. I saw her move towards the back of the car, thinking she wanted t

ut on my helmet. I should have used it before the crash but I knew if I wan

nna. Are you

hat followed the woman’s question. My heart dropped when

ittle one. It’s a

maged car and I as she concentrated on c

ogize or anything. Anything

both okay

re the intended apology. If I wasn’t weari

look like she was checking if I was injured too. I couldn’t confirm the look

to be upset with yourself and

he duo to examine the victims of my carelessness but the woman shut the door before I could see

ay from

word. I guess Anna’s pleading didn’t work after all. The woman

to cause any trouble. I have no excus

witness a mother’s outburst when she sen

r yourself. Clashing into my car was a mis

she wasn’t mad about the car but I knew that was the least of my

aughter’s life. If something bad had happened to her, will

ger which was justifiable. I didn’t talk because I co

! You are

he stepped towards me. The worry and concern in her e

focus on myself. I was concerned abo

ining and definitely expensive car. She also was

y for putting you both in dang

ed part of her car. She looked at it for the first time

ater. Let me help you to the nearest hospital. You can park yo

ow violence towards me. Second, she seemed nonchalant about her s

hould have

d thanked her for bein

e of myself ma’

ome curse words. She told me to make sure I take care

take off my helmet. She didn’t see my face bu

whined and complained, asking for the reasons behind my sudden change of mind

ry of a certain brown-eyed lady. I thought I

so dam

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