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Outrageous Addiction

Chapter 2 PROLOGUE

Word Count: 605    |    Released on: 07/07/2022


ause except for me, there was only one person left at the s

ried in. The last time I checked, he was close to the pool but my eleven years old bra


flew to the pool and I saw his hands struggling to

It can’

nfirmed that it was after all my dad’s fr


ectly but if I go for the other choice I have which is to run into the house to

nd the door which was far from the swimming area w


or his dad out of the house but I didn’t take


e came out of the door. I returned my eyes t

me S

that had totally submerged him, I couldn’t tell. I released an ea

am in his direction to save him. My fear of drowning was long

reached him with much difficulty but the most difficult part was m

swam back to the surface of the pool and before I could, I heard my dad ca

er there. They a

the surface with an unconscious Ryan. My dad dived into

an’s dad started performing mouth-on-mouth resuscitation on him wh

e water which he had gulped. Soon enough, he stopped coughing

ar to his mouth to hea

u for sav

and attempted to move away

t….because you look pr

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