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Chapter 4 Bandits and Wolves

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

rs. The bandits stopped the carriage. One of them grabbed the driver and pulled him off the carriage. He was thrown to the ground. The soldiers sprung into action and attacked the bandits. One of th

o the sounds of the blades clashing and the gun fire outside before Maid Corrine was able to wake her. "What is happening?" the lady asked. "M'lady, we have come across a group of bandits. The soldiers are taking care of it. Remain calm, remember Sir Rah

er look out the window again. Several moments later it was quiet outside. A knock can at the door. Maid Corrine opened the door and a soldier stood outside. He was covered in blood and was disheveled. "How is the lady?" he asked. "She will be fine. Could someone clean the window? There is a fair amount of blood on it and it frightened the lady." she responded. "Yes, ma'a

d. She turned to Lady Andromeda, "M'lady, would you like to get out and walk around a little." she asked. Lady Andromeda nodded and they prepared to leave the carriage. Maid Corrine and Maid Mauve stepped out and helped their mistress out. The lady was a little shaky but was able to stand on her own. Maid Corrine and Maid Mauve helped her walk to a grassy area next to the road. Lady Andromeda stretched her arms to the sky and leaned back to stretch out her back. She looked up to the sky and smiled. She smelled the fresh air and felt the sun on her face. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. Lady Andromeda opened her eyes and looked around. She looked to her guards and could see that the battle had taken a toll on them. They were covered in

id Corrine. The women drank in silence. When finished, Lady Andromeda handed the cup back to Maid Mauve and laid back down to watch the clouds. A couple of hours later, the guards said they were ready to head to Lemia. The women nodded and returned to the carriage. The ca

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