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Lady Andromeda started out her life just like any other child. Playing in the mud with her best friend and climbing trees like a monkey. Then just before she entered her teen years her body started to fail her. Her father, Lord Sabri, started to resent this disgrace of a child and drain on his coffers. Living as nothing more than a servant, unless they had company who would talk to the Emperor, Lady Andromeda had no high aspirations for the future. One day that all changed. The General of the Imperial Army was at the estate and had seen her. He knew he had to marry her right away. Lady Andromeda accepted her new life with apprehension.

Chapter 1 The General

An intimidating knight makes his way through an unfamiliar castle. He was in command of the Imperial Army. He and his troops were staying at the estate of Lord Sabri before they left on a massive campaign. They were on their way to the Eastern border of the Krudal Empire near the Shadow Mountains.

Over the years the Shadow Minotaurs had been encroaching on the land. they were threatening a complete invasion. Lord Sabri had decided to honor the army before they set out on their dangerous mission, from which they may not return.

Sir Rahael followed a staircase down, as he descended a heavenly voice tugged at his soul. He came upon the doors to the kitchens. Inside he saw a young beautiful woman. She was dancing around the kitchen as she cleaned and sang. She was wearing a simple dress of fine material. She did not look like a maid but worked as one. Her long red hair was tied at the nape of her neck and cascaded down her slender back. She scrubbed the tables and swept the floors. Sir Rahael could not believe his eyes and ears. Something about this woman drew him to her. He decided then and there to find out who she was and negotiate for her hand in marriage, when he returned from the campaign.

This was a foreign thought for him. He had never really considered marriage before. He was a soldier, hw was never home and didn't want to worry about leaving someone behind should he die on the battlefield. Besides, most women didn't give him a second look. He may have been a celebrated knight but he was tall, strong, and terrifying. Most people would shy away from him.

Sir Rahael was pulled from his thoughts as he heard two female voices approaching his position. He started to slowly walk away from the kitchen dors. He passed two maids talking to each other. He heard mention of a young Lady, so he stopped to listen.

"Why is Lady Andromeda cleaning the kitchens alone?" one asked. "Because her father ordered her to make sure everything was clean and prepared for the banquet tomorrow. He also said that she was not allowed any assistance." the other explained. "That is too much work for someone with her condition." the first complaint. "I know Moira and so does her father. He just doesn't care. She is useless to him. No one would want to marry someone who cannot produce strong healthy children." the older maid explained. "How does he know what he can and cannot produce?" Maid Moira questioned. "Because that is what the doctors have said." the older maid retorted. "So he chose to torture her for something out of her control. He really is a monster." Moira responded.

Confused, Sir Rahael walked away. He was sure the maids were talking about the beauty in the kitchen. What condition did she have? he wondered. It must be serious if it was so unthinkable to require such work from her. How could anyone expect such labor from one so ill. These questions rolled around in his mind as Sir Rahael wandered through the halls.

On the second floor, he passed a door that was slightly open with light escaping out. He could hear voices from within. He recognized the voice as Lord Sabri but could not place the other. "That's quite an offer. Are you certain you want to pay so much for such a weak, worthless woman? You are aware she is constantly ill. She will serve no real purpose for you. She will cost you a fortune in doctors and healing treatments." Lord Sabri questioned. "Don't worry, I have plans for her." the mystery man responded. Sir Raael could almost hear a sneer in his voice. "Fine, I really don't care what you do with her. I should have left her in the woods long ago. I have grown tired of dealing with her. I will no longer have to bear the shame of such a curse. I will consider your offer and let you know after the army leaves" Lord Sabri stated.

Sir Rahael walked away in disbelief. He could not understand how a father could be so callous about his own daughter and consider selling her. A father who cares nothing for his own child's well being should never have children, Sir Rahael thought with anger.

Now he understood that the woman in the kitchen was Lord Sabri's daughter. He could not wait until after the campaign. If he wished to save her, he would have to marry her as soon as possible. Sir Rahael had hoped to properly court her before marriage.

He returned to his chamber and called his chief advisor. "Find out everything you can about Lord Sabri's daughter and his plans with her. The one who is supposedly will and yet forced to work as a maid." he ordered. The advisor bowed and left the room.

Lord Sabri sat in his study in contemplation. A knock came at the door and pulled him from his thoughts. "What?" he called. The door opened and a young man entered, "M'Lord, a message from the Emperor has just arrived." he announced. An envelope was handed over. Lord Sabri opened it and read the message.His eyes widened as he stood,"The Emperor is on his way." he announced. "Call the Maid Corrine here, NOW!" he commanded. The page bowed and ran from the room.

Moments later Maid Corrine entered the study, "You requested me, M'lord?" she questioned. "Where is Andromeda/" he inquired. "She is cleaning the kitchens and preparing for the banquet, as you ordered." she responded. "Assign someone else to finish the preparations. Clean Andromeda up and prepare her to receive the Emperor." he commanded. Maid Corrine bowed and rushed from the study.

She hastened to the kitchens, grabbing two other mais along the way. "What's going on?" one maid asked. "The Emperor is coming. Lady Andromeda has to prepare to receive him." Maid Corrine explained. "The two of you will finish her task." she added.

They entered the kitchen and found Lady Andromeda preparing the meat to be cooked in the morning. "M'Lady?" Maid Corrine inquired. The lady turned and smiled at her longtime companion. "Yes, Corrine. What can I do for you?" she questioned. "You must prepare to receive the Emperor." Maid Corrine announced. "Monkey is coming?" Lady Andromeda's eyes brightened. "Wait, I haven't finished preparing for the banquet." she became worried. "Lucy and Moira will finish the preparations." Maid Corrine assured. The two maids smiled and nodded their heads. Lady Andromeda nodded and left with her friend.

Lady Andromeda bathed and dressed. She walked down to the receiving room to await the Emperor and his entourage. A couple of hours later, word was received that the Emperor had finally arrived. Lady Andromeda stood and waited for him to enter the room. She started to hear footsteps in the corridor. She smiled at the prospect of seeing her best friend again. The door opened and her now grown childhood friend walked through with a huge smile on his face. Lady Andromeda bowed to the Emperor. "Welcome, Your Majesty." she greeted. "Thank you, Drea." he approached and hugged his friend. "Carefull, Your Majesty, I am fragile, remember." she complained. He released her, "I'm sorry. I have missed you, Drea." he stated. "I have missed you too, Monkey." she smiled.

"How have you been?" he asked. "As well as can be expected. No broken bones in a few months." she responded. "That's great." he smiled. "I would like you to meet someone." he announced as he called a young woman forward. "This is my wife, Castelina," he introduced. "It's nice to meet you, Your Majesty." Lady Andromeda bowed. "No formalities." the young Empress smiled and gently hugged Lady Andromeda. "You are my husband's very best friend." she said. " And you can call me 'Lina'" she added. "Thank you,Lina," Lady Andromeda smiled. "You all have had a long journey. Should I escort you to your chambers?" she questioned. "Yes." The Emperor nodded, knowing his friend must be tired. Lady Andromeda led them from the receiving room.

Lady Andromeda flopped onto her bed, exhausted. Maid Corrine walked up to the side of the bed. "M'Lady do you plan on sleeping in your fine gown and jewel?" she asked. "I shouldn't, but I am so tired." Lady Andromeda complained. "I know, M'Lady. I will make it as quick as possible." Maid Corrine swore. "Fine" Lady Andromeda begrudgingly got up. Maid Corrine miled and quickly removed her lady's gown and jewels. She helped the lady into bed Lady Andromeda fell asleep almost right away.

Sir Rahael, after speaking with his advisors, went to the study of Lord Sabri. "M'Lord, may I speak with you." he inquired. "Of course, Sir Rahael, what can I do for you?" Lord Sabri responded. "I would like to speak with you about entering into negotiations for your daughter's hand in marriage." Sir Rahael stated. "Oh, really? Are you aware that she is sickly and weak?" LordSabri questioned. "I am sure she will be able to care for my castle while I am away on campaign." Sir Rahael responded. "Maybe. I am contemplating another offer. What is your offer?" Lord Sabri sat back and studied the General. "I am prepared to triple your other offer and I would like to marry her before I leave. Then she can travel to my land soon after." Sir Rahael explained. "Why would you offer so much?" Lord Sabri asked suspiciously. "We are limited on time and would like to try and skip the long negotiation process. I do not know how long I will be gone and my people will need some sort of leader." Sir Rahael explained. "I can understand the urgency at a time like this. I accept your offer. We will announce the engagement tomorrow at the banquet. Then we can arrange a quick ceremony the following evening." Lord Sabri stated. "Thank you, M'lord. I will have the funds delivered tomorrow after the banquet." Sir Rahael responded and left the study. His chest swelled, knowing had saved her life. He vowed, to himself, that he would do everything in his power to make her happy and prevent her from suffering.

Maid Corrine woke her lady early the next morning. "How are you feeling, M'Lady?" she asked. LAdy Andromeda's eyes fluttered open with a groan. "Ugh, I just want to sleep. My whole body hurts." she complained. "I'm sorry, M'Lady. If the Emperor was not here, I would allow you to sleep longer," Maid Corrine sighed. "I am sure Monkey would like to spend some time together. I really should get to know his new wife, also." Lady Andromeda sighed as she slowly got out of bed. Maid Corrine helped her lady dress and prepare to receive the Emperor and the Empress.

Lady Andromeda spent the day with her friend and his wife. They talked about their childhoods and Lady Andromeda made the Empress laugh with the story of how the Emperor got his nickname "Monkey". "I can't believe you threw mud at her from a tree." Empress Castelina laughed. "I was eight and it was only after she had thrown mud at me first," he complained. "Only after you pushed me into the pond." Lady Andromeda corrected.

The Emperor fussed over Andromeda all day. He made sure that she was in any pain and did not over exert herself. Not that she would actually tell him if she was experiencing any discomfort. Empress Castelina could see that she was and will always be his second choice. Somehow it didn't bother her. She couldn't explain what made her feel that being second to Andromeda was okay. She knew her husband loved her but Lady Andromeda would always be special to him and she welcomed the lady as a sister and friend.

In the late afternoon, the threesome parted to prepare for the banquet. Lady Andromeda had not been welcomed at a banquet in almost a year. When no one was visiting, her father made her dine with the staff or in her apartments. She would also be required to serve the family. She wasn't sure of her place. She tentatively sat at the end of the head table, away from the family. The Empress saw the shy young woman at the end of the table. She leaned over to her husband, "Why doesn't Lady Andromeda sit with her family? She looks so uncomfortable." she questioned. "Because her father sees her as a useless disgrace to his family name. I know he only allows her as part of the family when they have visitors. He treats her well when I'm around. Any other time she is little more than a servant." He explained. "Why?" she asked. "Because she will most likely not garner a good marriage due to her condition. A condition that seems to be getting worse over the years." he responded. "That doesn't make her less his daughter. We should try and get her out of here." she suggested. "As I have heard, someone has already put into motion a plan to do just that." he smiled. "What? Who? What plan?" she questioned. "I have been informed that our General has finally decided to settle down. He has negotiated for her hand in marriage." he whispered. "Ph really? That is great. He is a good man. I am sure that he will take care of her. I never thought he was interested in marriage at all." she responded. "I guess things have changed. I am sure he will take very good care of her. He knows she is my best friend." he smiled. She nodded with a smile.

Half way through the banquet, Lord Sabri stood and the hall fell silent. "Thank you all for being here to honor our military and to send them on campaign in high spirits. We remind them what they are fighting for. We all need an Empire to defend but we also need someone to fight for. Tonight I am happy to announce that I have accepted an offer for the hand of my eldest daughter , Lady Andromeda, in marriage." he announced. Lady Andromeda's head shot up with head eyes. the hall collectively gasped. "Sir Raheal and Lady Andromeda wll exchange vows tomorrow's eve. We do hope you will join us to celebrate this union." he added and sat back down.

Lady Andromeda looked to her, noe, fiance' who smiled at her. This tall, brudish man frightened the young woman. She really didn't know what to expect from thi man. He was very standoffish around others. She had heard soldiers were rowdy and demanding. She wondered what type of man he really was. Did he know of her condition? Did he understand what that meant? so many questions swirled through her mind. She abandoned her plate and stared into her lap. She was terrified of this marriage. She had accepted long ago that marriage would not work for her. It wouldn't be safe or long lasting. She could feel that her condition was getting worse and would take her life sooner rather than later.

Lady Andromeda didn't sleep a wink that night. She kept thinking about the General and what being married to him would be like. Maid Corrine tried to ease her mind, "M'Lady, I have asked around. I have been told that off the battlefield, he is quite kind. I am sure he will understand about you and what that means. You know your father would have brought it up to try and talk the General out of marrying you. I also heard that when negotiating, the General offered a great sum to marry you right away. He may be the knight in shining armor that you have been searching for." she assured. " Maybe." Lady Andromeda laid on her bed staring at the ceiling.

The next morning, the royal tailor came to Lady Andromeda's apartments. "We cannot make an elaborate gown for you because of the time constraints. However, I have brought many choices that do not require any altering. I am sure you will find something you like." he stated. "It doesn't matter. I will only wear it once. I don't need anything special." Lady Andromeda responded, uninterested. "M'Lady, this is your wedding day. It may have come as a surprise and we haven't the time to really plan, however you can still make it special." Maid Corrine urged. "You choose. I really don't care. A wedding is not really for the bride and groom anyways. A wedding is for the guests.." Lady Andromeda sighed and flopped onto the bench. Maid Corrine sighed and shook her head. She worked with the tailor to get her mistress ready for her wedding.

A few hours later, Lady Andromeda was standing behind a large set of carved oak doors in a beautiful red dress, lined with pearls and decorative chains. Her father stood beside her, "You had better fulfill all of your duties as a wife. If he abandons you, you will not return to my home. I will finally be free of a wretch like you." he sneered. "Yes father." she responded in a low voice. The doors opened and the audience stood and faced the bride. Nervously, Lady Andromeda quickly looked to her soon-to-be husband then quickly dropped her head and watched the floor.

Before she knew it her hand was atop his and they were facing the priest. Lady Andromeda kept her eyes down as the ceremony began. They said their vows and placed a ring on each other's fingers. They turned and faced the audience and walked back up the aisle as a married couple. Sir Rahael took his bride around the gardens while the guests filled the banquet hall. It was a silent trol. Neither knew what to say to each other. Sir Rahael finally broke the silence, "I really hope I have made you happy today." he stated. "Um, yes, I am happy today." she whispered. He stopped her and turned to face her. "I know that this is all sudden and you may have reservations about being my wife. I married you now so that I can come home to you. When this campaign is over, I can return and court you properly." he assured. "Why did you want to marry me in the first place? Wouldn't you prefer a strong, healthy wife who can provide you with strong, healthy children?" she questioned. "I wanted to marry you because there is something about you that calls to my soul. I didn't want to take the chance of coming home to find that you were married to someone else. If the Gods feel we should have children, they will bless us. They will keep you and the children safe. I know it is you that I have searched for. you are the one the Gods promised. None of the other things matter to me." he responded. She just stared at him. She wasn't sure if he was truthful or if he was just saying what he thought she wanted to hear. "Give me time to prove it to you. Also, I wanted to inform you that the day I leave for the campaign, you will travel to our home in Lenia. You will be the Lady of the castle. He answered her unasked questions. She nodded, still unsure.

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