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Great love period

Chapter 4 Buy.

Word Count: 1434    |    Released on: 11/06/2022

ng Y Nguyet is still

ran over: “Dear guest

ess involved, he loved his little life more. Duong Y Nguyet turned around and grab

ask." Duong Y Nguyet said, handing t

ce changed a hundred and eight

l the minors know best." Duong Y Nguyet's face wa

in this town, I just came here looking f

atter how difficult the weapon is, as long as you stay at Hoa Than, you will be able to do it all.” Tieu Nhi talked

re." Duong Y Nguyet interrupted him, she didn't want to lis

rough this street, turn left and go

following the instructions of the minor. Sh

aders, selling all kinds of goods. It can be said that it is as crowded as in modern times, Duong Y Nguyet thought while q

ound for a very long time, as the name said, to see how majestic it is. Duong Y Nguyet stepped inside, although it was a weekend, it was very

me is? I want to order an item, but I

is not too complicated." The shopkeeper Hoa Lac said calmly, his face was not fla

an invitation: "Please follow me, the master behind this place y

did the same movemen

t many customers who consider themselves to have money and the right to confront him, making him very dissa

and just walked in without thinking, causing the shopkeeper Hoa Lac to open his mouth to raise his hand to stop it. In fact, this Hoa Than is so famous because of the Phoenix fire, which i

so weapons forged in Hoa Than were always used in the best way without much damage when fightin

weat. The people inside turned their heads when they saw a person wearing a white dress, walking in like a

working hard but turned to look at the girl but their chin was about to fall to the ground. These lustful

ch, because she was quickly fighting the terrible heat raging in her body. Duong Y Nguyet thought it was strange, she might

ivate during this time, but it's a blessing to be able to absorb the power of the soul. It is true that it was not i

, although, in this fire-like atmosphere, this young man was still leisurely wea

different sizes, small and long with a small line as long

over here." A kid quickly took out paper

Anyway, he's the owner here, giving him a preview shouldn't be a problem. Hoa Lac quickly picked up the manuscript and looked at

u really want to make this weapon, I don

t outside still had a cold voice without emotion: "You don't need to pay attention. I don't know if you need me to make me exactly like this m

it: "This is not a big deal, sir, just like you said we will do it as quickly as possible, t

satisfied: "Then tell m

ll amount is enough, you can just give us a

the shopkeeper sa



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