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Great love period

Chapter 3 Provocative.

Word Count: 1239    |    Released on: 11/06/2022

y once more. It cannot be denied that the Prime Minister's residence is very luxurious. The room is

re, Duong Ly and Bach Nhu Hoa had found out why Duong Y Nguyet couldn't cultivate. For this body, she clearly understood the condit


ognize it. It's very good, being a great lady playing debauchery but not enough to make the other person kill so cruelly, but also towards the Prime Minist

e injured by the soul's power, causing the body to suffer severe damage for about a month. During that one month, you will experience extreme pain like in hell, and then gradually lo

The incubation time of the poison cannot be determined, so it is considered a matter of

from modern times. The cure for all poisons in the Middle Ages was simply evolved by her.

ore I heal, I have to strengthen this body, or el

couldn't know how valuable it was in this world. Duong Y Nguyet said to do it, before leaving Bach Nhu Hoa's room, she gave

revealing clothes are different f

ok among the seven-color chameleon ch

aura, her elongated body is equally graceful wrapped in a white suit, her fac

eyes of the person she loves." Yang Yi Yue thought and sighed in her heart. In her previo

ants and left quickly. Approaching to join the crowd on the street, she started looking for a place to make needles. In a luxurious cotta

fool is also called a waste like Duong Yi Nguyet, the rest is Bach Dai Gongzi of the Bach family. and brother of Bach Kinh Thien.

s a waste couple to you. I really don't understand h

disdain for Duong Y Nguyet. Huyet Thien Han and the man who hid hi

o show interest th

do I

ot a woman who doesn't say things like that, what you just

and Doc Lang spoke up: "My lord, th

Only things related to Mai Lan do you notice

Hoa, the name, as well as the pure beauty, i

ce, making Huyet Thien Han worried, sending someon

lace in Blood Thien Han's heart to make him li

g her body back to me." A cold voice ran

t to find Miss Mai. Otherwise,

ould kn

figure that he could not remember clearly. With a crowded citadel, people dress like Duong Y Nguyet a lot but unexpectedly made Bach Thien Nhat pay attent

tea shop to inquire about a prestigious blacksmith workshop. She di

st, what d

rry up give me a

guest is r

Y Nguyet made her voice hoarse so

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