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Chapter 1 GRACE

Word Count: 1985    |    Released on: 06/06/2022


counted as we moved With the music ....I

d the round of applause f

er to pick

." I heard her c

it was time to pay of my tuition fees ...B

breath as I rubbed

make sure I pay off everything I o

stitution owned by someone and we can't continue to let you attend c

ise I'd pay up all I owe

ime ,sighed before walking

..my Dance partner asked

und " I said as I removed my Dan

ed immediately I made

for a drink ...just 30 mi

have a boyfriend " I sa

st with me " he said and I gave him a

at school ,but if I had to pay my bills

reeted my boss immediately

... and I let you keep this job ... look at the time , its wa

ise it won't happen agai

id last week ...and the week be

ire me ,I really need this job ...I have to pa

aff ...just like everyone else h

n start working on Sunday evenings to

you're an hard working kid grace ...

..! I said and left immed

for more tha

late in the night ..I bid my friends goo

paying for a cab when I obviously didn't hav


d voices behind me a

ed as I hastened my f

nd I pannicked harder ....I hung my bag pack proper

I bolted in between different buildin

when I realized

oticed I'd gotten a sc

of everything happenin

gishly ...this wasn't the first t

and I'm an Italian ...My life ...has bee

doesn't care if I exists ...and if she had her way , I'm

nd and the smell of Weed

eard the voice of a man and

illed with men and som

d and I just forced a smile at

u around " mom said and h

d away ,she puffed out smoke from her mouth as sh

er " I greeted and

e ...? " She

s ...with a body like yours ...you can make me enough money to get us out this slumps ...but you've Decided to act lik

to love me, you're supposed to support my dre

rk ,what have you archived ? You can't even boast of a singl

nse " s

e rent ...I pay your bills and mine that's why I haven't done anything meaningf

an't you see you're not Making me proud ? Get rid of th

....Lauren ...I'm gonna keep my Virginity

rown you out in the street by th

ly my mother ?

stions after our striking resem

ness and my place In this world and stop having those Cinderella dreams ....this

I could hear the sounds of moan

k close and strolle


said as I fo

fight with madam Lauren ?

urts so much to even face the reality " I said

infact she's so good at what she

from the street ...promise them of a bet

line of prostitution ... because sh

run off without looking ba

nal competition coming up ,I see this as a big chance at fufiling

urs done to help ? She asked as she took a sip

ly on the bed ...I smoke

he lost his job and is still trying to get on

eserve you ...all he thinks of is a way to get on your pant

o much .besides he told me he's working on something with P

ith a rich a*s nigga ,for all you know ...You might hit it

s so disrespectf

pital letters B R O K E ....."

I should let you know , B*tch ...got a spot to

CA's ? I as

kidding me bi

urse with every se

..." I said a

ly in Italy ...,the head family of the Italia

ou know such people

nows them "

are they doing about these

n the government ...they are the government ...

have a connection with th

...has a connection with

..." She said and for an unknown feeling I


ing journey ? Then unlock the next episod

e L

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