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Chapter 4 WHO OWNS HER

Word Count: 2009    |    Released on: 06/06/2022


he cold ...tiles made

t was still dark and my st

hurting me infact he's sent

. ...I Frowned as I hug

immediately I remembered

t the com

Everything just made

before I managed to

meone say and I snapped my eyes

my legs i

t and I looked t

and immediately felt stupid since I didn't have an ounce of

st too muc

e said and my eyes soften as the beaut

led and I moved

he said and I bu

...is this some kinda nightmare or what ?

the main time ... please come with me

is estate ...I can't stay here not with t

iful now ...Bambi " she

'm grace " I sai

he Donna ? I aske

lly watched the five brothers

ked seeing the tattoos and p

ple are d

she said and I thought I

nanny ?

said and I smi

swear I'd be indeted to you for life .

bi ...or the Don would have you

ane if he thinks he can tie me down ....here ...I ha

i. ...we don't want you de

thing to do with criminals ....thi

ful with the shit you say around here " someone said from behind and I turned to s

ind of ritual

know who Gina is. ...You have th

and I noticed his ripped jea

a laptop in h

have shows that you are Gina especially the genes

o pay my tuition fees and I'd be sacke

mart pants ..

? He asked w

failed woefully ...I mean I know anyone working for the mafia is n

ngest brother " he said an

sorry " I said immediately when I realized wh

Sorries if that's how sharp

to freshen up " madam Lina

problem Queen " Sergio said

s no way I would stay here another day ...when I don't know the

hall not be well with her

ked madam Lina as we walked

a view of the large estate and

and quiet a number of gua

creamed wealth cla

... brought a rotten feeling in the pit of

m Lina asked and I ga

up ....I checked the wardrobe and noti

re the packet of new tight I

as I walked back and fort

a chance and that shameless Do

't suffer for a crime

" Lina called and I forced

made plans

ft for the kitchen to return the pl

....I was afraid ...infact I knew if someo

in you " i motivated myself as I badged into some gr

ved this was worth it , if I need to escap

garage to the first check poin

orehead and immediately bo

t moment even the fictional ...Character ...Iron man fro

ered to myself and bumped

One of them asked and I knew he

d fighting with them but I felt my legs

the huge guy started walking back to the ma


e oath I made to the familia " the guy screamed as my right

u pay for your wife's new model car

ed and they cut off

...I did it Don ...." He

as blood rolled out of his injury , stainin

you see your hands you'd remember the name MASSIMO De LUCA " I said an

type to give

et it ... and that's why p

immediately packaged the fing

t and the other

arlier about Grace

can escape me ...sh

where she was tied down

Gina but you won't let me go because you

rant Angrily a

me Kitten ? What where you feeling lik

I refuse to bow at the feet of a devil like you ....! She spat at me

lled and feed your bones to the dogs " I sa

ver let you ..." She scre

up ! I

truth ? You're just a Coward "

nicked as I raised her in my arms

ssimo ! She screamed my name

" She screamed as I g

wed as I walke

She trailed as I thre

ied to swim but her leg

flinching as she struggled a

learn ...wh

name of her king ....her


e reading it , please I wanna see you o

e l

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