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Not All Roses Are Red

Chapter 2 A Woman Can Restore The Soul Of Any Broken Man

Word Count: 4141    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

sorry for Monica instead of Joel when he was busy pulling her int


he reached h

has cypress wooden decorations. Large, octagon windows allow enough light to enter the home and

rooms, it also has a large living room, five bedrooms, a snug dining

ped. The house is half sur

a layered style of look in combination with the roof. Th

vered with grey wood shingles. One small chimney pokes out the center of the

ed by paved ground, with a pool

ft alone there. One thing she did first was to c

the car and she had to make

gate was very far but still open.

if someone was chasing her. She was bus

looked back but when she tur

ally scared her causing her to scream at him a

e his big hands but she was already locked inside them. For a moment she


is okay.” The officer gav

l smirked. And he turned Monica

ren't you asking me? But never mind. Tell h

htened his hands around her arm. “..

et go of her left arm and she showed the officer the ring. “She's just mad I did

disturbance… enjoy your night.” The officer w

used. He rolled his eyes. “You seriously didn't think that our wedding night is goi

d her up and put her on his s

r on the floor. She found three empty bottles

e asked while tak


yelled making

leston.” Her eye

ca?” The way he said her name made her even mo

troy your wedding that's all.” She tried to explain but he lau

ment, neither

that had been present from the wedding sparkled int

d is probably waiting for me.

ated. Joel jabbed his hand into his hai

from him, as if she didn't trust herself t

the wedding. Right? Here.” He took an envelope


nd the certificate i

are not

ness. I need you to sign that.” He moved away from he

gn this. One of which is… like it or not, tha

prison for lying about my ex fiancée

o go to prison. So he left her t

ppen?” she signed the papers and put them on the table. She wa

o see him in his vest punching t

grabbed his attention

ing for?” he asked as

It will be

n't even know

what y

t's rom

a? Are you going to tell all the lies that women always tell? Because if you are, then this is the moment that you share with me that yo

ice. “You're v


n't know. And especially not with

cy is intimacy. It doesn't

ke love to me right here in this roo

aid anything

less lov

her face and felt the chemistry again. “It's

ok her head in disbelief. What insane magic

your soul?” blinking back tears.

? You're the one lying naked next to me at the moment. That shou

l sorry for you. Yo

on't expect more an

at deal more than that.”

t,” he promised. “Everything. I bet you

ou think I'm tal

nterested in is yours Princess. Naked and

” she worked as a bookkepper

b. You don't ne

!” she had to get at l

lucrative source of wealt

am that sort of person? I don't destroy weddings!” did he know so little a

at really

d blind passion to overwhelm rational thoughts?

wedding.” He stood up. “Oh you just not literate enough to spot the difference between a cheque and piece of p

purse and opened it. She noticed the cheque was

cheque?!” she followed him.

d but he didn't give her attention. She turned off the

As soon as she stepped into the room her g

oman. Secondly… it's not my fault that you can't spot the difference b

d there

spered Joel looked at her from

. And the rest of your debts.” He didn't eve

it was a lo

and took out a black envelope. And walked

He knew everything about her starting

ear-old bookkepper who enjoys p

he was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home.

Dawson. Norris is 19 years older than her and works as

thing with older men. It's not like I had a choice.” She was

a Tanner. They are inseparable.” He then took

't your room Monica. Get out.” His wo

't eve

lked out. “Don't even think of escaping this

designed for a queen. Not a country girl like her. She sat do

ws? Are you okay? Mo

d back and closed her eyes with the


y. She opened her eyes and noticed that her bathroom is actually li

om and filled the vessel with water and carefully placed it on the toilet

n she was about to reach the steps. Two set of sapphire eyes reflec

y she could take the stairs she instead ran back an

way down.” She was busy patting so bad while looking down a

er mind. It eventually collap

ext M

ned and noticed she slept on the ba

isitors.” Joel was already dressed up. He walked

n't h

and she stood up. She took a look at the view and it w

y him. But when she walked into the garden in sho

He had a drink in his hand and his navy shirt was open at the neck

looked so cool and sophis

impact on her? But she didn't want him

id into her chair. "making a man wait for two

g." His low smooth deep voice flowed over her t

uality. It was impossible for her not to look at

he really leave her there? She s

ve me there?” She a

tually wake up. Oh

ext to you.” A man around his 50 grabbed Monica's hand a

for you for an hour now.” Monica

is Cage. He's my executive assistant.” Monica yaw

looked at Joel talk. He looked so neutral. There's no way a man can hide his fee

grab a drink.” She stood up. An opportunity only

per unit time, then inventory investment per unit time is positive… can I check my fri

ife? I mean that woman in a Bl

n say thanks. He looked at the ope

ked the bin and took a deep

sy yelling walking inside only to find Monica

k of inventories equals the instantaneous flow of inventory investm

you do for

nswered for her while sitt

're good with inv

hough… her father used to teach her economics

you're not married. Tell you what… I need

and scared Monica. “I mean…

her a death stare and giggled. “Of cou

to this good looking woman without touching her.” Monica cou

ou at the Business date next month.” Monica smiled.

always negative.” He mocked her. She l

looked at him. "I haven't even thanked you for the dress. It's beautiful and it fits

oked at her as if she's the bri

rgeous dress behind.” She looked at the glass

her own wedding… yesterday. Remember?”

” She looked aw

k like I


at more can I ask for?” He was right

doubt. That you're a broken man. You've had a hard time

re you implyin

tore the soul of

t if the same woman broke you? Becaus

n. I can restore the S

allenge? To w

ur soul so I wi

touching me, kissing me, not even a single tou


me. You lose. You'll go to the


fix any of this right? I have to admit man you have a killer body and

Mrs Dallin until you f

one thing for sure… you'll remain Mrs Dallin un

ll my family?

man who paid all your debts.” She was shut w

garden.” The gardener

inside his wallet and took out

day.” He was so grateful f

thing… she earned it by loving you wholeheartedly.” When she heard the wo

that he left them. Joel sat

ple and yet there's kindne

ng in his voice and she smiled at his words. "No...

with kindness and respect. And

I am generous. I'm sur

heard of you and I prefer to make my own ju

p? I see you're a betrayer

nts based on their own experience.” She looked at the

k I'd let you meet my fa

won't kn

y wi

our friend!! I had it with you!” she

here'll be a severe punishment for you." He

he gate slowly close and she tried to run but who d

portantly she was speechless. Like a

ck to the house.” Joel yelled a

s forcibly wedded but the fact that she is engaged to the kindest man in

s La

n barefoot feeling cold. She walked inside and he was nowhere to be found. She looked int

brought her back to re

n she turned he had the power to b

ng you… you'll witness the same man losing his fingers o

you should be ready by 7:30am. Come at 07:

ly. “You can always see for yourself.”

hat happens at

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