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Occult Rule Of Abraham Tonnel

Chapter 6 Greed

Word Count: 1241    |    Released on: 04/06/2022


ting its warm light upon the fighting ring; a ci

within it, supposed to harbor

he circle, looking down on the sandy ring where tw

cle of steps at the pavilion, screaming, cheering and grunting when

contrast of what he

Now…a brother was willing to kill the younger just to reclaim his birth right

he cold-blooded attacks of the other. It was obvious he did not want this. In fact,

d Abraham forced himself to watch, rubbing his temple

was supposed t

praises he received intoxicated him beyond conscience. And now, he arched his brother's neck t

ple who wat

ill the guard standing beside him out of the pure rage and tem

eding throat, Kendrick roared his victory with hand

d them on, and Abraham c

deal of his intention was achieved. The roaring crowd qui

swallowing, nervous,

anaging to cast a smirk on to sh

eginning his descent down the steps leading to the ring of sand, "I must s

ugh the crowd. As they always said…

until he had stepped upon t

pse that happened to be a result of

he man before him, knowingly releasing his dark au

his next words, teeth gritted, m

ards his castle, "I will give you my position as King

om the Royal foyer, his brothers glared in disapproval. One supposed demon ruling

one look at the people around him watching, his smile increa

ty. Anything!" The man ges

ead from left to right as though studying the

on Kendrick's


d of shape shift

est floor. An action that had been happening for hours now without any measu

slid to a sudden halt and t

d onto a rock an

ind a neem bus

tience, a second animal grace

, finger lon

o be worr

buried its teeth in the skin of its enemy's neck. It didn't take m

ded like it n

ves of

hings that shot

a small tingle of light, th

y built form, bare tor

ld…was the mighty talked about Kingdom, ta

ious form of a mountain cat, flashing deep


the swift strid


nd right with her eyes grazing around. Her hair dripped of wa

he shrie

er own attack, all she coul

her brother and it was more f

man legs spilling out from behind a rock stoppe

a half run motion to her brother's limp body, pra

ered above him. Whirling her hands in circles, then backwards, she drew out all

y and tapped on his cheek gen

faith, s

er hands and in the next se

d Razia pulled him up by the shoulders, pa

you to shelter

hat had occurred, his eyes stopped

he gasped

f hunters at the south end of the forest

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