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Occult Rule Of Abraham Tonnel

Chapter 5 Beauty of magic

Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 04/06/2022


ust some duties as inevitable as death; something like making pe

y open as the men before him kept on barking at each other about

hey stepped before him to deprive him of fun with an issue of this sort.

your purpose of

s mood was also tempering with his powe

Simultaneously, they glared daggers a

throne and turned his attention

,his a

and fixed it between his lips. With a snap of two fingers, Abraham forme

lit it and smoked a few puffs before he

him, mouth open, eyes

uttered the older

settle a conflict how I would settle one personally. To make a f

our Ma

t'll be a survival match. The one who kill

e's my

ng drag of smoke and blurted," Did you come to seek my w

ly regretting what he'd dreadfully participated in," No my King.

" he turned to the other man. " Or do you

g studied the man think intently, he whirled his hand around, play

reys, something he'd been doing to mortals since he was

ied with a bow. Although he knew he shocked the day of light out o

last mouth of smoke before he


inn should have been disturbed by the news. B

is stubbled jaw as he nodded, "Well that is a scary sort

fore replying," He came back as his brother's last son. It doesn't

one, anything dance to his tunes by playing a captivating flute. That was one power anyone would relish. With an outstr

ing attention, " His reincarnation came with some sort of upgrade to his abilities. Unfor

choing within the cave, " He's back as a djinn. A

ark haired, menacing male barked out in near rage, "If Lothaire l

n, capable of forming and d

fuse the others. She looked around, waved her hair in demonic grace and said, "The b


the path, lined by a thick wood

ays their father's death was not her fault, Razia

smell of a long dead corps

was more tha

me with it; pr

ne wolf…except these growls sound

until a dark figure dashed past with

cts suddenly stopped. Now the total silence was uncomfortable. O

as she took the lead, sniffing, listening

s smarter not to wait till

t might b

th that flawless rhythmic whirl that a

Then he realized… if he was going to live with her from now on,

m down the east hill and how it moved closer to th

eyes that matched the silver lini

sive looking wolves that

d eyes, or even fangs l

jumped down her horse with flawless speed, moving

the mutated animals

went a long way to

om the whole into what looked like an ice spear th

er to herself until it took its previous frozen form

wayed water about her, freezing an

hey received the deathly stabs of ice through t

oint…they bec

and gasped at the swarm of God knows wha

rom behind her, "You know how to st

y concentrating as he

p teeth in wide growls. Their red eyes glittered in the new f

rowls; and it was the sound from a wild

ound. As much as they were sure what they

of water, enormous enough it fel

high and wide, anchored like


s," Razia said

aw the wall of water come splashing down upon

d setting the horse into full throttle aw

the swarm of wolves, her features returned to normal and

ter was ca

hed violently past rocks, gushing with a

n with every muscle

ater met th


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