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Drunkenly Pregnant With The Evil CEO

Chapter 5 Tell me, what's your name

Word Count: 2086    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

ised his head to look at him, but saw a man with a cold face, but why is this scene like a prince tryi

his eyes drawing a towering layer of emotion, the

d bent his head to kiss the soft lips that he had longed

startled for a moment, Roxana's body became stiff, not daring to move, an

ove', the kiss deepened, the more he kissed, the more addic

her chin lightly, making her whole body tremble slightly, this girl al

m, body leaning against Christopher's chest, her breathing became weak, her face flus

ed shirt, a very high hairpin, simple but very lovely, the girls outside were

her body is as white as snow, and even if her li

, only feeling the warm blood of his whole body rushing to the t

and Dangerous, and the kiss just now, she was powerless to resist, her body seemed to fly

as the hands touched his hot chest, it was im

mage of that day, clear in front of his eyes, he s

esh milk, which did not make people feel

er lightly on the face, savo

as he was going down, the first time he went to the wr

that man, she tried her best but couldn't push him out of he

shake, he couldn't tell if

take advantage of her, in his dictionary as long as he want

his heart, her lips were extremely soft and wet, l

softly scribbled, then continued to

need, it takes an extr

off all of her clothes, and a few seconds la

and hot breath has no way to stop

s forehead beaded with sweat, her body groaned, in that instant, her face was fl

hristopher hugged her tightly,

to say a word, afraid that she would open he

the road, his hand caressing her bushy nectar, playing with he

e other person, in her heart, she just wanted to die, there wa

and let out a "ukm...", weak voice

s in Christopher's heart, and a gloating

encircled her snugly, and then came out again, un

ul piece.

whole body felt like someone had hit her, the pain was so great,

er eardrums seemed to be shouted at by someone, jumped up, tried to suppress the discomfo

ediately saw a tall and powerful figure, the whole body emitted a domineeri

lushed, and quickly tilted her head, for the first time sh

phed over the embarrassment, she tilted her head

made Roxana's f

mely dangerous and deadly, if it wasn't for an important meeting

h those eyes, or I'll

ldered look, completely not un

the bed, his body could not help but lean forward, while suddenly coming int

e?" He reached forward, bringing it around

look at him, her heart constantly worrying, shaking her head,

se of saving you, I lost a hu

wanted to tease her a little, for him, it didn't matt

voice, making the air between the two eve

her body, her words were worried, thinking about

saving her, she admits she is at fault, if it is a matter o

s thin lips, light as usual, for Roxana

l to be like a small tiger, this is not just a sales o

saw it as fun, and relatively interesting, and continue

y a billion, even if I can't get it, I c

reached for her clothes, and serio

ously taking out a stack of twenty thousand bills, handing it to

e this, he always swiped his credit card when needed: "Miss, how much is t

y, I have nothing left to

s hooked, he was very happy in his heart, but h

friendship with him twice, she still di

s crafty, she must be lonely and wants to

me." Christopher grabbed the cell phone beside her, di

he zipped the phone to her: "My mobile number, i

his back, but she didn't have any encouragement, after all, a billion for an ordin

m, a statement that seemed to foretell the f

missed calls piled up, the phone showed Robert and Rachel's worries,

off the car, and saw that the door of Sweet Home was

f the room Robert's gloomy expression, and b

hat? Why did she look so terrible, she knelt

and surprise: "Roxana, where were you last night?

rry. . . .

other choice, her mind is currently only on Sweet Hom

depend on each other, she remembers Robert is a gentle person, d

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