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Drunkenly Pregnant With The Evil CEO

Chapter 2 Hot and dark

Word Count: 1425    |    Released on: 30/05/2022

le, clutching the comforter tightly in her hands, shouting: "Don't stay there and ta

e to lend you your cell phone, want me to fall on you, want to use this cheap trick to lure you

er coldly

lly doesn't cause any trouble with anyone, so n

few scolding sentences, sta

"Roxana's face is red from ear to ear, internally frustrated, wants to cry but can't cry, after all these years, keeping her body as pu

en 0210, strangely, she clearly remembers her room is 1201, how will it

Unceremoniously took the room card, unexp

two cards, one in Vera's hand, why this

-looking straight at Roxana as if he

out and grabbed Roxana's neck, squee

yes tried to resist his coldness,

falling from her body, her body alon

t couldn't pull it, and hurriedly s

ove, she panicked, her cheeks were full of tears

in his eyes, his personality is very stubbor

y do you have this room

g about? The perverted man quick

breathing became more and more un

gth in hand was increasing all the time, Vera left without saying goodbye, and even

ow could he not be angry, staring

ood what the other eye wanted, her small head sho

our choice, you don't regret it." He pulled her bo

ger was getting closer and closer, she panicked

only six feet tall, she is not his opponent, could she let her p

sent you? What's the point

nt scent of her body, a panicked expression like Little White Rabbit, a face

erything in moderation, his abili

se his lust, he can't wait to want h

arrange such a beautiful treasur

, so he couldn't help her arrangem

ant to go deeper so he could feel her scent, his tongue skillfully moving on his li

, like a three-year-old child who can't eat sugar

s were already covered, unable to say any

ly flowed o

ed, constantly kissing, the tip of her nose, her lips, her collarbone, down to her white b

ak limbs were at best helping him to break

nd struggled:

speaking, her thighs seemed to

, unprepared, he went into the deepest part, his

estraint, without mercy…Like there is no

demanded by the overbearing brother, making his

s about to die, grabbed Christopher's arm, fingernails d

expect this girl to be unlike his imagination, a loose, open, decent girl, she was like something went w

inst the man above, she slowly closed her eyes, a tear trickled down the

th tears, like a corpse facing a passionate and hot kiss, without resp

admired Christopher so much, today when she was by his side,

rson with dignity and respect, she has no right or not

id not know her identity, thought that the Sparrow turned into a Phoenix wh

experience! So how many men have you been with, have y

bed will never pity. In my eyes, girls like

during the pain he brought, and whispered

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